I honestly can’t tell if everyone here is genuinely enjoying PMR or if ppl are just shit-watching the makjang unfold LOL For once, I can’t read the room 🤣🫣


    Many, many of us are authentically enjoying the ride. It’s self-aware craziness. It’s not so bad it’s good…it’s just good. Funny, sometimes subversive, fun.


    I’m genuinely enjoying it, especially Lee Mi Sook as the Mother-In-Law. She is awesome… and her wardrobe as well.


      Lee Mi Sook never disappoints, and it is only fitting that such a great actressβ€”and a veteran one, at thatβ€” has great outfits to match her energy 👗


    I am genuinely enjoying watching the drama. 😊 its my fave rn. I do watch makjang usually but I love this!


      Do not watch*

      I like how quickly the writer breezes through everything.


        😮 And how many episodes in total is the drama slated for? I say β€œslated” for, but we know that with the live-shoot system of Kdramas, things can change


    Fair question. I’m sincerely enjoying it, just not *quite* as much as everyone else. But it has some genuinely surprising moments and is very much a romance, which are big plusses in my book. I can’t say I devour each episode (I still haven’t finished last week’s final one) but I am entertained and even impressed at the meta-cleverness from time to time. It’s just a fun, silly drama that doesn’t aspire to be anything other than it is.


      Oh, okay!! It doesn’t sound like the typical drama-for-the-sake-of-drama trope-filled sort of makjang that we are all so used to and so used to being tired of, then. I feel like makjangsβ€”especially if they’re weekenders, in which case, I’m not even sure if this one isβ€” usually get a bad rap, but not all are actually bad, but it’s a rare case, and maybe this is the one rare case people are getting once in a blue moon


        Nope, all of the drama so far has been in service of plot advancement and character exposition and not drama-for-the-sake-of-drama, which is pretty darned amazing for something that is truly makjang. The blue moon is shining brightly on this one and it looks *possible* that it will keep up the pace and the fun right to the end.


      That’s how I feel: I’m enjoying it, but I’m not as into it as everyone else seems to be


    100% authentic enjoyment.


    In my case, I’m not enjoying the drama, I find It boring and I don’t like any of the main characters. What I’m enjoying is mocking the drama with the two friends I’m watching it. We have laughed so much! But as I said before, I’m sure I would have dropped it after the first episode, as I did with King The Land, if I had started this on my own.


      I must add that this kind of social experiment my friends and I are doing with this drama (I mean… watching something we don’t like) is new and we won’t repeat the experience. The three of us have a very long list of good dramas to watch… XD


        I totally get it!! I’ve tried once or twice in the past to hate-watchβ€”for lack of a better wordβ€” something and to try to make it fun by searching for things to laugh about it, but this is something that I also am just not into doing XD If I am going to watch something, it will be something that I enjoy, and not have to be something of a chore or something that I straight up don’t enjoy
