MY SWEET MOBSTER: There may be some noble idiocy going on, but wow, the acting by Um Tae Gu and Han Sun Hwa in Episode 8 was so, so good. So nuanced and yet powerful in showing how first Ji Hwan needed to distance Eun Ha from him, but how painful it was for him, and then how Eun Ha in being so emphathetic and sympathetic came to realize that he needed to distance himself from her and their shared memories. The subtle, but very much felt emotions between the two of them this episode packed a punch. Such mature, heartfelt acting in the midst of what can seem like a cartoony, cutesy show makes this show so impactful.


    but also, the entire mobster fam was great. especially waiting like puppies on the stairs :-((( really like abandoned puppies. and feeling kicked away.
    I hope the prosecutor told her after all otherwise he is scum.
    Ji Hwan is feeling ashamed but peoples lives change. he is no lesser person for it. the preview calms my heart
