My comment to @mdiary went in moderation. I don’t know why yet but I will try to repost it here.


    Are you ready for this?
    First of all, I didn’t call them as such, they self proclaimed themselves as radical. The ideology and movement started in 1960 during the second-wave feminism. I am not going to go into detail of the history of it or the many factions of it, anyone can google it, but I will  touch upon one of the most famous and quoted individual that wrote a fascinated little piece of propaganda manifesto in the 1970, Shulamith Firestone. I find it funny that you wrote to @cozybooks that the feminists will not start a revolution because her book was calling for a far more scarier and sumbrer one in her The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution book, one that we are seeing the fruits of the seeds that she planted 50 years ago. You see, she, like many of her colegues, was a Marx and Engels sympathizer and her only critique of them was that they didn’t go far enough in their crusade to restructure the society according to their beliefs. Of course, both of them started with good intentions that were rooted from the inequalities of those times and imagined a great utopia where everyone would be better off, but turned quite evil and disastrous for milions of people. Those good ideas captivated (funny that we have a kdrama right now about that subject, might explain to you all my interest of it) the minds of many inteligent and good hearted individuals (many just as yourselves or my son, for example) that, because of the self confidence that comes from it, turned into party ideologues and activists that fought for those high ideals. And when they finally succeded and the theory was aplied in practice, the reality turned out to be quite different and that the majority lived in poverty, but equal, and the small minority that persecuted them lived lavishly. Kind of evil incarnate, right? Should I believe that such extraordinary minds could not forsee the consequences of their theories? Did they accept the death of about 60 millions both in URSS and China, according to many, and the persecution of many more in order to change rapidly the system that they considered unjust as a necesary evil? Was it to satisfy their hate towards some monarchies or was it to criple some for other ones to control the world? I don’t know, but it is highly suspicious how many of those ideas came because of the big industrialization and inequalities that were happening in the more western countries but eventually came to fruitition in those that didn’t, right?
    [  ] To get back at the current subject, Mrs. Firestone also, probably, started out with good intentions that were rooted from an abusive father and, later, boyfriend, no questions about it. This whole group were riding off on the high of accomplishments of their civil rights and anti-war movement. There is a saying after the revolutions that happened in 1989 that goes like “once you participated and succeded in a revolution, you’ll always be a revolutionary individual” that aplies to th


      that aplies to the activists, meaning they will always find something and continue to be what they define themselves as. All of these were causes needed to be fought for at that time and some, to an extent, even today, more in some parts of the world than others. Their fight and succes for injustice for either blacks, women or the soldiers and the people in the countries that were sacrified in unjust wars are ones that I fully support and applaud. But humans have a funny way to not know when to stop and to turn from victims or deffenders into aggresors, like in the Reign of Terror for example.


        In the Dialect for sex, she starts off with (and I am quoting here from wikipedia) “…feminists have to question, not just all of Western culture, but the organization of culture itself, and further, even the very organization of nature.”…”The goal of the feminist revolution, she wrote, must be “not just the elimination of male privilege but of the sex distinction itself” so that genital differences no longer have cultural significance.”…”Sexual inequality is “an oppression that goes back beyond recorded history to the animal kingdom itself”: in this sense, it has been universal and inevitable, but the cultural and technological preconditions now exist that make its elimination possible and perhaps necessary for human survival.”….


          .. “The feminist revolution


                  She is wrong in many aspects, but mostly when she asserts that the comunists did not try to do just that. In Rusia more specifically, they tried to give women the same sexual freedom as man and they tried placing people to live in together in larger “families”. But they were not succesfull and it is true, even they were not that evil to fully try to dismantle the foundation of modern civilized world which is the nuclear family or to reorganize the very nature of human kind when it comes to the propagation of our species. In other words, they never messed with disrupting families per se. This woman that it is used as a mentor and her book as a manual (that was used by her followers in the decades after in the higher education system just as she instructed in it) was talking about re-organizing our way of living according to her visions based on her false understanding of the world because of her own experiences that ultimatelly led to her hate and her schizofrenia. What a great world will be in when women will be just as f


            just as free to fornicate as men and to just work as men while throwing away the babies, that somehow get to be made, into someones else’s care. I don’t know, maybe into the care of the state to further be brainwashed with their new theories and medicated accordingly?  It doesn’t matter to them that this ideology will make a part of population eventually ceast to exist as long as we can somehow cure the imagined sense of inferiority derived from “you know what” envy that some of these radical still carry. Because no babies, no population. Of course the eugenists and the environmentists jumped quickly on this idea. What wikipedia does not tell you is that she mentions many times the need for fertility control and the environment benefits that will emerge from her thesis. I wonder why.  What’s not to love, in their oppinion, about not having a lot of these “useless eaters” multiply their genes and polute their world? Useless genes from useless eaters. Because ultimatelly, there will be no babies ( our genes are not the as elite as theirs, you see) but their own, they are still making them. And feeding them with select non farting cow meat raised on nuts and beer on their large mansions equiped with the usual bunker, just in case of I don’t know what (look up Zuckenberg) while they feed us coachroaches and drink recycled toilet water (look up Gates). Oh yeah, let’s not forget about the once a week shower ( brings back memories about comunism because that’s when they gave us heated water, the rest of the days we had to warm it up and that not to hot because they gave us only one gas small tank per family per month for the stove) or the 15 minutes cities (again, sorry to repeat myself, we couldn’t move in another city due to not being able to work elsewhere because of the address on the id and we couldn’t travel cause, again, sorry to bore you with old stories, we were allowed only a limited amount of gasoline and you didn’t make that much money to spend on trains or hotels and even if you managed, you had to hide it from the government and not show off) in order preserve the resources so they could further enrich themselves by manufacture more weapons for more wars that will kill more people. Or to sell them to other countries and, if they didn’t want it because they already have too many and don’t want to buy them, no problem, will make them donate their old ones…to ukraine maybe?…so they could buy more because, you know, some just got to buy more islands because the stink of these useless eaters is hurting their delicate noses that even making them wearing masks is not tolerable to live on the same continent.
            One thing she was right though, about the “Technology will eliminate domestic and other drudgery” part when it comes to birth. They are working hard at it, they developed a bag where, so far, a premature baby can continue to develop outside of the womb. I don’t know how your mind works but mine started questioning how long it will take un


            They are working hard at it, they developed a bag where, so far, a premature baby can continue to grow in this synthetic womb.
            There is so much more but I am afraid that is my time to jump on other subjects, since I have missed a couple of days, so I will leave it here. I will try to post a copy of her book after I will try to conclude my answer to your question.


          Any good cause can be used by really evil people to cause havoc. No good cause should be forced upon on our freedom and our way of living by taking away that freedom and changing the world order according to their needs. I happen to love to be a woman and love to be married and even more so, love to be a mother. They use their propaganda to try to change the kids and the kids’ future. This is mass hysteria. I don’t know if your answer by giving me examples of some lunatics that are truly misogynistic holds,  they are way too few and way too insignificant. You are forgetting the millions of good fathers and husbands in this entire world. This is just looking at some data that you like, while overlooking the many, many others. Yes, there are still religions and countries where women still are mistreated. Let’s deal will those individually and don’t try to generalize and cry victim all the time. But in Korea right now there are more women that go to colleges than men and they are ahead because they don’t have to go to military. And they are not making babies, so we are told. And they are smacking men left and right at the moment, if we are to believe that kdramas are real. Just take a look at all the gifs posted here and the excitement around them.


            Yes, I find this crazy dystopian future that she installed in the minds of many of her followers that later went themselves to colleges and media and politics to prepare more soldiers that are and will be used to fully install it when the technologic advancements are possible (just like now for some parts and later for the other ones) scary.  Because the end result of this radical feminist movement, combined with many of the interested ones that are riding along, is exactly what is happening now: control population either through no more marriages (no babies making if no marriages), or separation of the sexes through hate or even drug or surgically induced through gender ideology on top of it all. Or abortion, of course. This is their end game, they have the whole propaganda apparatus controlled by governments and their media. She told us in her book, you just have to read through the bs to see it. If women want to not get married or have children, or be in whatever relationship, any gender or any sexual orientatiom, I will fully support them. But don’t turn around and inforce that upon us by indoctrinating our children in schools or in media, presenting it as it the norm now. And if we do not fall in line, calling us misogynists or Quanon or conservatives. Or whatever. And how is that not evil and how is that different than the other evil incarnate, the Joseon era, when they controlled their elite genes and population through manipulation of women. Now we are telling the girls that they should be afraid of men, by no means to get married because they will get used by them, that they will not be loved and should not experience motherhood, to not grow old with and be taken care by their husbands and kids when they are sick, to not be the queens of their nuclear family. We just tell them to work because that is the highest thrill they will get in life besides the sex they will get from different partners in life. Sounds like slavery to me. And of course, to die alone, just as our Mrs Firestone did, after she got abandoned even by her radfem friends and was found only a month after.


            I finally did it.
            There were more quotes that I couldn’t post from wiki:


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