Bitter Sweet Hell, episode 1:

This show had me hooked with the gorgeous visuals in the first two minutes.

A lonely traveler …

on a twisty road …

carving her own path –

the Snow Queen.

What lies ahead?

Can there be beauty in disaster?

Fire and ice …

which one wins out?

@midnight @attiton


    It’s breathtaking!


    I can’t choose!

    Technical question from a silly ahjumma.

    Whose job is this?? I mean this. Finding these amazing places. Deciding on the angle. Deciding on the speed of filming. Is it all the director? I have seen many dramas with beautiful sceneries, or eye-catching inside shots. They are usually attributed to the director. But this show is beyond anything I have ever seen. That person in charge is either a genius artist, or has gone to a completely different school that all others! But who is it? What is their job?


    Oooooh, I just started watching, too, due to the ongoing buzz. 🫰😃
    It’s really sooooo beautifully made! Strangely like a theater play in some scenes, then breathtakingly real in others. Very awesome, looking forward to continue. 💯
