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Witch Amusement: Episode 2

Witch Amusement: Episode 2

by javabeans

Thanks again for another wonderful summary, and having the song of the day makes it even better to read. I've never watched anything with Jae Hee but he is growing on me and I think I need to watch 3Iron since he's in it and I have been interested in that movie. Hopefully I can find it online to watch. Looking forward to QSS 3 and of course WYH 3!!!!!


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Witch Amusement: Episode 2

Witch Amusement: Episode 2

by javabeans

As IF I needed to fall for Jae Hee even more than I already have since DGCH. Reading your summaries always makes me so dang mushy! As always, thanks for all the clarifications. If you pull out some editorials for this (or Hello! Miss), just give me a ring! :D


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Witch Amusement: Episode 2

Witch Amusement: Episode 2

by javabeans

Love that cap of Jae Hee trying to cover his eyes!

It's often said that the way through a man's heart is through his stomach, but I believe it's the same for women! I'd love to have someone cook for me too. Having said that, I completely agree with your statement, "Sigh. These writers really know how to get to a girl's heart and mushify it into a helpless pool of Jae Hee adoration. Like they even had to do much in the first place."

Also, there ARE hints of typical Kdrama elements like a contract, but with lovable characters such as Jae Hee (okay, note to self: stop gushing) I'll take it.


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Witch Yoo Hee (Witch Amusement)

Witch Yoo Hee (Witch Amusement)

by javabeans

Oh wow this looks really good. I wasn't able to watch as it aired bec. I prioritized The Devil/Mawang, but I just downloaded the first 2 episodes from CB.

Your summaries are really helpful! These will tide me over until English subtitles are released. I'm a huge fan of DGCH and My Girl, as well as Jae Hee (he won me over in DGCH!), so it's kind of a relief to hear that the first few episodes didn't suck.


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Witch Amusement: Episode 2

Witch Amusement: Episode 2

by javabeans

Dear Javabeans... :)
Thank you for the amazing recap. Luv you.
Wow...looks like episode 2 really gets thing rolling...hehe...can't wait to see it for myself.


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Witch Amusement: Episode 2

Witch Amusement: Episode 2

by javabeans

Hehe thanks for translating the words Ee Bwa. I was wondering about the meaning and about to look at the dico. But u explain it first..She used that a lot in yesterday"s eps..:)


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Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 22 (FINAL)

Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 22 (FINAL)

by javabeans

I enjoyed reading your summary. I'm going to miss DJS too.


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Witch Amusement: Episode 2

Witch Amusement: Episode 2

by javabeans

Ahhh thank you for ep 2 summary, Sarah (if I may call you that).

Jae hee's character is just so adorable and kind-hearted. Any woman would fall in love with him!! He's a bit too thin in this drama, I hope he'll take care of his health.

Kim Jung Hoon looks HOT as ever (I'm a fan) but his character is so bleh... anyway, it's a challenge for him to prove himself that he too can take on another role, a villain one that is. That idiot just stay there didn't help her at all... well I guess the script say so. I'd rather he also came to the rescue, but Jae Hee's there first.

Thanks again for the wonderful summary! I'll be looking forward to the next ep summary!


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Witch Amusement: Episode 2

Witch Amusement: Episode 2

by javabeans

sarah.. another superb summary.. gosh.. Paran is really really cute. I adore that little boy.. and I love her new closet.. gosh.. a new hair cut & new clothes can change one's appearance sooo much.. hehe.. but she's beautiful to begin with anyways. JH is adorable & charming and best of all.. he can COOK & CLEAN.. gosh.. another "dream-like" character..hehe.. gosh.. i'm always sooo excited to read your summary & thoughts.. thank you again dearest!!!


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Witch Amusement: Episode 2

Witch Amusement: Episode 2

by javabeans

^yay!!! just what I've been waiting for...thank you so much Sarah...I just adore your summary ^_^ I also love your comment you insert here and there...:)

Thanks again...:)


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