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News bites: September 19, 2024

News bites: September 19, 2024

by tccolb

I am quite looking forward Spice Up Your Love. 😅

Also Kim DaMi and Shin Ye Eun, this can be interesting. 😁 I wonder who the ML will be


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Cinderella at 2AM: Episodes 7-8

Cinderella at 2AM: Episodes 7-8

by DaebakGrits

Late to the party. Thanks DAEBAKGRITS, @daebakgrits for the recap.
Great comments from the faithful few so I won’t repeat but a few random thoughts as we come into our (hopefully not crash) landing:
1. Both FL and ML have given beautiful performances with the material/script they were given. Yoon-seo had the heavier lift dramatically. Ju-won less so, but when things got serious both actors rose to the occasion;
2. The comedy between the Ml, FL and coworkers was pretty awful and the blame goes for how the coworkers’ roles were written. The production must have brought in ringer writers for Yoon Park and Sojin’s parts because those two shined.
3. So as not overlook. 2 of the actors in the drama with maybe the toughest parts to act were the young actors: So A-rin (playing the young Yoon-seo) and the (other) Kwon Yul (playing the young Ji-seok).
They were in one scene of abuse after another and gave terrific performances. (Once again I am in awe of kdrama child actors.)


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Cinderella at 2AM: Episodes 7-8

Cinderella at 2AM: Episodes 7-8

by DaebakGrits

Thank you @amnesiayawns for your comment. You provide some literary context (re Prince Charming) that our writer(s) may have unintentionally followed. The drama really has been more about ‘her’ than ‘him’. Can you blame Prince Charming if even the Brothers Grimm didn’t give him much of a backstory.


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Open Thread #883

Open Thread #883

by DB Staff

Good decision. Even though I muted that song after ep 2, I still couldn’t make it past 10.


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No Gain No Love: Episodes 7-8

No Gain No Love: Episodes 7-8

by Unit

Why isn't Bruno listed in the cast?


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Open Thread #883

Open Thread #883

by DB Staff

He seems to have no sense of balance at all. I always like some of the songs individually, but they're waaaaaaaay over-played, so by the end, I hate them. You don't need to play every single song on the OST in every single episode, with long montages to boot.


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Open Thread #883

Open Thread #883

by DB Staff

I know! It's my one complaint about that show. How could they take such a gorgeous woman and put her in such ill-fitting, frumpy clothes?! If the reason is they wanted her to look more like an ordinary librarian, that's no excuse, either: librarians are some of the stylish women I've ever seen.

Her wardrobe sucks in "Familiar Wife," too.


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Open Thread #883

Open Thread #883

by DB Staff

Can we do something about the Subway ad? You dismiss it and it pops up over and over again.


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Open Thread #883

Open Thread #883

by DB Staff

Sort of. This is because back before the 80s Westerners used to call East Asians, Chinese or the more offensive Orientals (along with a bunch of other offensive terms). Treatment of people from Asia was not particularly good back then. Naturally, people who were not from China were offended by this. So, in the 80s, Westerners slowly started to call people from East Asia, Asians, which didn't do much to differentiate among them or their countries, but was easier than actually learning about the world outside their countries/regions.

Africa/Africans was always lumped together as one region and as far as I know and has always been known by the exonym Africa, from the Latin name for the Mediterranean coast of Africa. I don't believe there is a previous endonym or a historical name change. But, it is just as easy to lump it all together instead of actually learning about the countries or the people.


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Country bumpkin Lee Yi-kyung wants to Marry YOU

Country bumpkin Lee Yi-kyung wants to Marry YOU

by solstices

Nothing a tropey kdrama makeover montage cannot fix, really. Also, there IS a simple and elegant solution to his very niche sense on humor - court a woman WITHOUT one entirely, so she won't care whether he's funny or not. I know plenty of people like that, so he certainly has hope!


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