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Inaugural Music Post

Inaugural Music Post

by javabeans

They are awesome!! I love Alex and Horan's voices. And I love how they seem to be tight with Loveholic and Epik High, since I'm fans of those groups too, with the collaborations and inter-group projects too.


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Thanks for the summary. I didn't see Firebird, but love Super Rookie and KSA. Both of those dramas were a little bit different from the norm.


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hello to everyone, i recognize all your handles so it's nice to see familiar names! i caught the 2nd episode and thought it was definitely more fun and light-hearted. i'll try to have the summary up sometime soonish, but have you noticed how many dramas are starting this week?? it's insane! how do they expect us to sleep, with so much tv to watch? (spoken like a true addict.)

Bamidele, you can just click on the song title and it should take you to direct download. I'll be making the song titles the direct links from now on just to clean things up, so it should work. :)


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do you have a direct download for the loveholic song? it is really good!!


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thanks for the summary javabeans you rock!!!


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sarah dear.. i love love reading your summary.. thank you so much for giving such great insights on the characters & are right.. this serie is definitely different from the recent kdramas.. I did thought that its style is more of an indie film.. abit more subtle.. totally not the usual vibrant colors that I'm used to seeing.. eric's character in there.. not exactly the usual perfect prince we expected.. but i do find his character interesting and I'm sure he will become "less rough" when he really fall for our female lead.. the female lead is quite adorable.. the first time I've seen her in a drama.. looking forward to learning abit more about her character.. Like you's abit too early to judge this drama... but I hope that this drama will deliver :) Once again.. thank you for the great introduction & summary :)


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Inaugural Music Post

Inaugural Music Post

by javabeans

Absolutely love LOVE Clazziquai!


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Awesome intro & summary! After reading this, I'm more sure myself that I probably should give this one a chance next week :) Thanks so much Sarah! ^^


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Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 22 (FINAL)

Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 22 (FINAL)

by javabeans

Thanks to everyone for reading along with my Dal Ja summaries! They're the main reason I started posting at this blog and now I'm addicted to blogging. :D This was such a good show to follow and think about on a deeper level, because it gave us so much to contemplate! It's modern, fresh, and funny -- some of my mostest favoritest things in a kdrama.


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Thanks for the summary :-)


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