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Witch Yoo Hee (Witch Amusement)

Witch Yoo Hee (Witch Amusement)

by javabeans

yes, it's mong-ryong's dad! I love him. And I keep wanting to call Jae Hee Mong-Ryong instead of Mu-Ryong. I suspect that's going to be a common problem.

There are soooo many good dramas out, it's hard to choose. I'm having a hard time keeping up... :(

@ Fuschia Pink, you should definitely give this series a try if you loved My Girl, I can feel the similarities (in style, not in story). Since this is SBS, I guess it won't be available on KBS World though...


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Witch Yoo Hee (Witch Amusement)

Witch Yoo Hee (Witch Amusement)

by javabeans

Looks like a nice Kdrama. I loved My Girl so much and knowing that this series is directed by the same director, I am so looking forward to catch this series. Would you know when it would be shown in KBS World?


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Witch Yoo Hee (Witch Amusement)

Witch Yoo Hee (Witch Amusement)

by javabeans

Omo, do I see Mong-ryong's dad from DGCH here?

Was not planning to watch this (Mawang and Thank You have priority) but now you're tempting me.^^ I liked Jae-hee lots in DGCH and 3-Iron.


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Witch Yoo Hee (Witch Amusement)

Witch Yoo Hee (Witch Amusement)

by javabeans

Wow...Thank you so much javabeans...Luv you :)

I like Jae Hee...happy to see him again.


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Witch Yoo Hee (Witch Amusement)

Witch Yoo Hee (Witch Amusement)

by javabeans

Hahahaha..Looks promising. Gonna catch up with it soon...


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Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 22 (FINAL)

Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 22 (FINAL)

by javabeans

thanks for all your summaries for all dramas ever! i finally finished watching dal ja's spring. i must say that this episode left me... giddy :D it was a happy ending and much worth the wait. thanks again, i'm sure i'll be around again!


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 2

Que Sera Sera: Episode 2

by javabeans

Sarah, believe it or not, but I think for this drama, I can just read your summary and still be able to follow QSS with no problem hehe.. ^^ thank you so much for taking the time to do all this =)


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 2

Que Sera Sera: Episode 2

by javabeans

Well I already know how I want this to end as far as the bro-sis thing, since they made them not blood related I hope he goes back to piloting and she is sitting next to him in the cockpit. How many episodes is this show? I'm looking forward to the soundtrack, and yes the songs remind me of the wonderfulness of Soulmate, if only they made a second season of that awesome drama.

Bwitched nice to see you here,lol, you must check out Soulmate is is so funny, sweet, and filled with things we can use in our own romantic endeveours, let me know if you end up loving it!!1


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 2

Que Sera Sera: Episode 2

by javabeans

@babymarzy: sure, link away! i'm glad you're enjoying this drama so far.

@ovette: i know! loveholic sets the perfect mood. i'm looking forward to seeing what other songs they use.

@bwitched: you'll love soulmate! it's hilarious and fun and has a fantastic soundtrack. in fact, QSS's soundtrack so far reminds me of soulmate -- not in song selection, but in quality and how well the songs fit the mood.


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 2

Que Sera Sera: Episode 2

by javabeans're so good at this!!!.I think I'm going to watch this (Thaks to ur nice summaries)..And I'm downloading soulmate too.coz u said it's ur fav drama of all time..Gonna trust, coz we seems to have the same taste in watching k-drama..


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