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Que Sera Sera: Preview, Episode 6

Que Sera Sera: Preview, Episode 6

by javabeans

gracias sarah sarah! hehee.


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 4

Que Sera Sera: Episode 4

by javabeans

i definitely agree on ur ratings statement! there are many dramas which are underrated and discovering how good they are are my little secret to enjoy. i feel that way too. but other stations have the tendency to cut off eps when the ratings suck. luckily for this one, eps were added. other dramas monday night are facing the same problems too. so i hope ratings arent a problem, i dont care for them really. soulmate has a good ost too btw :) im so excited for what happnes next on QSS now.


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A Bit of Trivia: Hello! Miss

A Bit of Trivia: Hello! Miss

by javabeans

lol.. yeah, i noticed that actors thing. ive been hearing that people in korea not so into H!M coz its not so deep and because LDH seems to be playing similar to MG role YR. ratings are bad too. but not really, i love H!M too. i love other dramas too but i think keeping monday's light is the best. lol. :))


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Que Sera Sera: Preview, Episode 6

Que Sera Sera: Preview, Episode 6

by javabeans

hey sarah! thanks for the preview! i cant wait to see what happens! man im so excited! its the ugly green monster rearing its head which its that great but i wanna see how things play out. interesting easter weekend. ^^


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 5

Que Sera Sera: Episode 5

by javabeans

thanks for the recaps.. and those lovely screencaps, i like reading your blog while watching the show, thus so i have a general idea!!

so about eunsoo calling taejoo 'ajusshi'? any ideas why? at first i found it kinda annoying, but now it's very endearing and cute! it seems like an eunsoo thing to do.

anyways thanks for the recap! ...^.^...


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A Bit of Trivia: Hello! Miss

A Bit of Trivia: Hello! Miss

by javabeans

haha..What a coincidence!

I just posted a Trivia of the Day over the QSS Soompi Thread too. =)

We seem to be in Trivia mode.


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Witch Amusement: Episode 3

Witch Amusement: Episode 3

by javabeans

deeta: I wonder if Joon Ha could recognize her more quickly than Johnny because he at least saw her semi-dolled-up at the party, whereas (I think) Johnny last saw Yoo Hee in her typical black look.

As for mal-tu, that's a bit different from the polite/familiar (joen-dae/banmal) thing. Mal-tu means more of your speech patterns and behavior (i.e., Anna Jo in Fantasy Couple is described as having a very hard mal-tu, because she uses a sharp tone and harsh language). As for speaking to one younger than you, if you're talking to a stranger, you should still use polite speech. Speaking banmal to anyone (who's an adult; children are different) before you know them well is considered very rude. For instance, Yoo Hee starts out using polite speech, but switches to banmal with Mu-ryong very quickly, which he finds inappropriate.

But, once you get to know each other better, the senior person in the relationship MAY drop the politeness and use banmal... but it depends on the circumstances. If you're conducting business, for instance, stick to polite speech no matter who's in the superior position. It's all very complicated.


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Random Friday song

Random Friday song

by javabeans

I knew Bin was a singer, but I kind of saw her more as a pop tartlet doing typical sexy dances, so I didn't think she had a voice that could carry a mellow, pretty sound as well. According to one of the behind-the-scenes clips it sounds like Jeon Hye Bin's past as a "dance singer" (dance gasu) was actually a hindrance to her getting this part, because the PD and other production people weren't too sure of her acting abilities either. I think she had to jump through a lot of hoops to get the role.


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 4

Que Sera Sera: Episode 4

by javabeans

I don't think the ratings for QSS are as high as they could be, but as long as the drama doesn't get canceled I don't care TOO much about the numbers. And sometimes I take perverse satisfaction in developing a deep respect for a drama that's underrated, because it makes me think I'm in on a cool secret. And sometimes telling myself that "It's too good for the masses!" helps too. It's all about denial, friends.

I agree with QSS's kind of stealth ability to sneak into one's affections... You can tell from my Ep 1 recap that I wasn't sold completely, but I got suckered in along the way.

mjumn, you should definitely get ahold of the QSS soundtrack. If you like what you hear, you probably will not regretting also picking up albums by Clazziquai and Loveholic too.


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 5

Que Sera Sera: Episode 5

by javabeans

Yep, the vacationing scenes were filmed in Singapore.

Aie, the hair is a tragedy, but rest assured we will likely see no more of it. (1) It looked like curling iron curls, not perms curls, and (2) I think the preview shows Eun Soo getting it relaxed again. THANK GOD.

Thank you and you're welcome to everyone continuing to read along! I can understand how it kills the surprises of the drama -- in which case, STOP READING! LOL. I'm right there with you because I'm a pretty staunch spoiler-phobe (sometimes I even deliberately skip the previews at the end of the eps because I don't want to know what happens until it happens). So it's ironic that if I weren't the one maintaining this blog, I'd have to fight myself to not read it, too. Hehe. :)


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