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Witch Amusement: Episode 6

Witch Amusement: Episode 6

by javabeans

(Although -- dare I say this? -- if things continue in this vein, Johnny and Mu-ryong just may overtake the main couple in becoming my new shippy pairing. And I say this as an avid hater of slashfic. Seriously, don't they make a nice-looking couple?)

hahha hmmm?? possibility here? nah, too pretty people will bash :p

i agree with the general consensus that the story is getting to disjointed. although yes in the entireity it was fun and full of cute bits. i wanna establish a story focus on who is for whom and the thing about the mom of YH too.

i also love the actor who plays Song Hwa. aside from the cute guys in this here im liking this guy. soo cute. Paran is so adorable too. Like Harry Potter of cute asian version. :D

as for dennis, originally his dialogue was ok. i dont speak korean, though in bits i can get a most of the common words. sometimes though i have a hard time seriosuly. lol. well, compared to henney i think he is better looking but i think henney can act some. and his accent isnt as jumbled coz he has tried it out more.

phew that was a mouth full. thanks for the summary sarah!:)


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Witch Amusement: Episode 6

Witch Amusement: Episode 6

by javabeans

The actor who plays Song Hwa is sooooooooooooooooooooo adorable...he was too cute in My Girl..I wanna see him in his own drama as a lead where he wins some popular girl over as some geeky guy. He's a cute geek!!!!


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Witch Amusement: Episode 5

Witch Amusement: Episode 5

by javabeans

thanks for the summary! i was waiting for this. im on holiday here and i was waiting with baited breath for this. lol sorry the expresssion :) im curious about johnny's feelings now, he likes YH or SM? will he still be matchmaker now? Jaehee is just too uber cute. His expressions/getures just make me melt and go on a laughing fit. Dennis despite the bad korean, well is one hot eye candy. Phew. Dont mind the bashing. Im more of a Jaehee all the way. Lol, i agree with you tsunamiblues, MR is like DK in some ways too. Sarah, love ur sense of humor. Cracks me up. The toilet humor isnt always that effective on laughter to me but sometimes it just makes you ROFL. cant wait for next week :)


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Witch Amusement: Episode 6

Witch Amusement: Episode 6

by javabeans

(Although -- dare I say this? -- if things continue in this vein, Johnny and Mu-ryong just may overtake the main couple in becoming my new shippy pairing. And I say this as an avid hater of slashfic. Seriously, don't they make a nice-looking couple?)

first impression awkward moment
second impression possible


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Que Sera Sera: Preview, Episode 6

Que Sera Sera: Preview, Episode 6

by javabeans

this is late..but i've gotta say "i love you" to you for giving the preview a "try" what a great attempt at "trying" it is too,complete with suggested songs for us to enjoy..many thanks! :D


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Witch Amusement: Episode 6

Witch Amusement: Episode 6

by javabeans

Just wanted to say that I LOVE your episode recaps. I don't even need to follow up on the series and go through pages and pages at soompi to find a translated summary or something like that. You're the best!


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Witch Amusement: Episode 6

Witch Amusement: Episode 6

by javabeans

i agree. instead of focusing on the relationship b/tween muryong and yoo hee for most of the time, theres the complicated 2-guy thing. as well as muryong's gf. i hope they will give muryong and yoo hee more "story" together next time.


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Witch Amusement: Episode 5

Witch Amusement: Episode 5

by javabeans

I almost want to refuse to screencap it because, come on SBS, what do you take us for? Have you no respect for our appreciation of story and character? Are we that manipulable, to be so cheaply bought with a display of manly skin and tight swim trunks??

Okay, yes, we're shallow. You win.

This is what makes your summaries better, funnier, more interesting, more readable and all-round AWESOMER than most!!!

And I love it when gestures are interpreted by subtitles or cartoons in Korean dramas! It's just... too cute haha


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Witch Amusement: Episode 5

Witch Amusement: Episode 5

by javabeans

i always enjoy your reviews cus they're so detailed. :) .. keep up the good work. i'm excited for episode 6 :)


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Witch Amusement: Episode 5

Witch Amusement: Episode 5

by javabeans

I read a news report today that said Dennis's Korean is horrible...and viewers were complaining. Even suggesting either the station adds korean subtitles or he starts using English instead. A bit harsh but understandable complain?


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