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Fansubbing the Korean Language

Fansubbing the Korean Language

by javabeans

Hi! Great posts...Hey do you know the name of the cell phone song that Lee Da Hae has in the drama Hello Miss? I know its a weird question, but its so cute i want to post it to my phone! Thanks!


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 8

Que Sera Sera: Episode 8

by javabeans

I deeply sympathized with Tae Joo in this episode and love the drama more than ever.
I've been waiting for the update of this site.
Thank you so much for giving your explanation, which makes me clearer the story.
Thank you again.


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Witch Amusement: Episode 8

Witch Amusement: Episode 8

by javabeans

It's a shame that Johnny didn't confess this time around; at the rate that this drama is heading, his potential romance with YH is probably a lost cause! Aw (yes, I am a Johnny-YH fan).


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Witch Amusement: Episode 7

Witch Amusement: Episode 7

by javabeans

So everyone feels the same way? Gosh me too.
I agree about the story focusing on too many characters now. It's not a bad thing yes, but it's definitely one of the factors which causes deviation from the main storyline. The first few eps, like deeta mentioned, were great. I loved everything, the flow, the chemistry and even the humor. But the story's starting to bore me right now. There's still no indication whatsoever of YH feeling for MR at all. I can see MR feeling for YH but not YH. And all the time she's just after a minor character JH. I actually heard KJH was supposed to appear in several eps but his screen time was extended because of I duno what reason. But it seems as if the PDs/writers are trying to force a big bulk into the characters themselves now.

And about SM being a perfect girl. Yea..she is one. It's kinda unrealistic but hey that's what we call drama right? What bugs me is the over emphasis on the CHARACTERS and not the story itself. Sure we get lots of MR,YH, Johnny, SM and JH but in the end where is the story heading to? Nowhere at the moment, IMO.

I actually enjoyed the scenes of MR's family more. And I find Han Sera and Song Hwa's girlfriend cute in their own ways... at least I got a good laugh watching those parts.


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Witch Amusement: Episode 8

Witch Amusement: Episode 8

by javabeans

Thank you for blogging this drama! I thoroughly enjoy reading your comments and summaries as a supplement to watching the drama. Here are some things that I'm wondering at this point of the drama:

1) Is Joon Ha as much of a jerk as the character descriptions say he is? I think from his interactions with Yoo Hee that he does in fact care for her somewhat (his distaste and meaness towards Mu-ryong, his concern after her reunion boxer-shorts incidence, his caring about her misunderstanding him and his ex-fiance, etc.). I don't know what the deal is between President Ma and Joon Ha is, and whether the "business transction" Joon Ha refers to is the "don't go out w/ my daughter and I'll pay for your education abroad" thing or if there's something deeper than that.

2) What is Joon Ha's background? There's no mention of his parents or family, and his perpetually sad looks makes me wonder if he's an orphan, and so have a very strong drive for success. He broke up with his fiance because she cheated on him (that's what the subtitles say) but given his non-emotional exterior it could be a result of her not feeling any love from him. If my speculation of his status as an orphan is true, it could be he doesn't know how to express love.

3) If there is going to be some sort of tragedy (as most Korean dramas do), I wonder if it will involve Mu-ryong's prided "perfect sense of taste". In a previous episode (I don't remember which one) when Manager Lee and the secretary was visiting Mu-ryong's family's noodle shop it was mentioned that Mu-ryong's dad won tons of competitions for his sense of taste, and is now at the state of running a noodle shop because he lost his sense of taste. In this episode (08), after Johnny's date w/ Yoo Hee, Yoo Hee mentioned that Mu-ryong's cooking is too strong in its taste and Mu-ryong says that Johnny has said the same thing. This seems to imply Mu-ryong's taste buds are losing their sensitivity. This makes me wonder if Mu-ryong will also lose his sense of taste like his dad. That would be very very sad.

4) I wonder if President Ma is such an annoying, dictating father in the matters concerning Yoo Hee's marriage because he had a bad experience with Yoo Hee's mom, and doesn't want her to make the same mistake. Or perhaps the experience with Yoo Hee's mom made President Ma lose faith in love (that sounds so cliche) and President Ma thinks Yoo Hee should just marry for status and position - that those kind of material things are easier to hang on to.

Anyways, just some speculations.


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Inaugural Music Post

Inaugural Music Post

by javabeans

I love the song!! I LOVE Clazziquai! xD


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Hi! I just saw the first episode myself with the fansubs (thanks D-addicts forum =)) and I loved it! I think your synopsis was so awesome. Even though it covers so much, I still enjoyed watching it. This is the first time I'm seeing Eric's acting, and was a little concerned. Right now, I feel Eric's acting is good, but not fabulous...but even when I watched MNKSS, I didn't like Hyun Bin initially (and later really came to like his work). I think he'll grow as Tae Joo grows. I loved the actress, she definitely has a lot of talent.
I noticed in the bar when Hye Rim and Tae Joo first meet that when she reaches for another shot, he instead pours her a glass of a nice pink cocktail...hahah....I think he definitely has a streak of chauvinism running through him!
Love the line "Kang Tae Joo....Its because of your good looks and winning personality that your life is so difficult."
Definitely a great series, and I agree that the ratings are truly misleading. I hope the team realizes that there are a lot more people appreciating the story and their work around the world than those ratings show.


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Witch Yoo Hee (Witch Amusement)

Witch Yoo Hee (Witch Amusement)

by javabeans

Javabeans, I have to say, I absolutely LOVE your writing style. Definitely a great read. Thanks! :)


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 6

Que Sera Sera: Episode 6

by javabeans

i love how you incorporated songs in the summary! i listen to them as i read along! haha, this is getting more and more interesting...absolutely in love with this drama so far!! GOOD JOB! :)


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 5

Que Sera Sera: Episode 5

by javabeans

yahh i totally agree (eun soo doesnt look good with those crazy curls! haha) and enjoyed reading your thoughts and the summary.. all of them were very well put and organized!! i, too, have to wait until the subs are out. but i love knowing what's going to happen next! keep up the awesome work! onto the next summary!!!


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