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Witch Amusement: Episode 7

Witch Amusement: Episode 7

by javabeans

sure annabelle, go ahead!

Marzy, i had that thought too -- Seung Mi is such a nice, sweet, understanding person... that it's almost suspicious. She's given no reason for us to think she's behaving insincerely, but she's so perfect. I wonder if it's real, or if the writers just like the character so much they want to keep her that way. Then again, I feel like Johnny's pretty perfect too...


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Hana Yori Dango

Hana Yori Dango

by javabeans

I've watched the 1st and the 2nd series in one week.. it was really addicting!!!!
I love Tsukasa and Tsukushi's story.. Even if in the second part was a bit sad.. :(
But finally we had an happy ending.. and what an end!!! *_*
I really really really love it!!!!!
Jun was so cute!!!!!!!!!!!


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Witch Amusement: Episode 7

Witch Amusement: Episode 7

by javabeans

thank u so much for tis. i love reading ur summaries. very detailed and helped me to understand the storyline better. can i post tis in ohmyhoon forum? i'm sure the members there would love to read them.


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Witch Amusement: Episode 7

Witch Amusement: Episode 7

by javabeans

waw thank you very much, javabeans. IT was a good ep. I feel a bit of pity for SM. She is so kind and loves MR so much.


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Ratings Notes: Que Sera Sera & Devil

Ratings Notes: Que Sera Sera & Devil

by javabeans

thanks for the translation sarah!
its a sad fact that ratings seem to play a huge part on things. i dont always think they are accurate basis to judge if something is good. but also sometimes they are right when the drama is a stellar one.. mostly though, ratings is just a competition between the networks at times and the money game as tsunamiblues mentioned. its sad that many underrated dramas are neglected because of the standard ratings thing and sometimes overrated ones arent that great too they just cater to the public views more.


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Witch Amusement: Episode 7

Witch Amusement: Episode 7

by javabeans

thanks for clearing that ep! id have to agree on ur analysis. the story is getting weird. i mean im a huge fan of jaehee, the show and whatnot. but having too many of them are bugging me already. im sorry to Bin fans, i like here and this sounds weird but SM sure knows what to act like or how to react to those things its like she's too goody to make it seem she didnt mean it or something. it gets to me, like it feels unreal the expression. no biase! :D also, about JH i wonder why the dad didnt want the two in a relationship that bad. spells trouble ahead if YH finds out. im really confused about the their roles really know, from the charac des. who is the the guy? who is the matchmaker? i hope they define things soon and make things more interesting too.


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Witch Amusement: Episode 7

Witch Amusement: Episode 7

by javabeans

The story's ALL wrong.
I am growing disappointed.


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Witch Amusement: Episode 7

Witch Amusement: Episode 7

by javabeans

I definitely agree with you. I'm getting confused too.. the drama has not point to the direction where MR and YH supposed to go. Hmmmm too many character I guess, and the writer probably want to include bit and pieces for each. I am curious about why YH's father is opposed to Joon Ha. Is it something that he'd done during their university days. I'm glad finally Yoo Hee find her courage and ask Joon Ha to date. I believe from there the story will get more interesting.


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Witch Amusement: Episode 7

Witch Amusement: Episode 7

by javabeans

I totally agree with you. The writing somehow becomes a lot shakier that it's almost all over the place. The first several episodes were such a blast in my opinion. The pace was right, the interaction was right, the screen time was also good. But now it feels like they are forcing on using all the cast. I personally would love to see more of MR's family, or those hysterical subordinates, and Han Sara. But it just doesn't go with the main idea of the drama.

I guess it was supposed to keep it different and such, but I actually found myself a bit bored at some points of this episode. I wasn't so crazy about YH pursuing JH, even tho it was only logical, perhaps, cause there're still a lot of matters to be solved like Johnny, MR, her dad, etc.

But the good thing for me is that we get to see him as more than eye candy in the drama. I was kinda worried about his 'newfound' interest in YH, when it's not newfound at all. As much as I love MR/YH, I'm glad that Johnny's feelings actually were deeper.

Anyways, hopefully the writers would get their acts together soon and actually provide a solid storyline. Thanks for reviewing, it was so much fun, as usual.


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Eric almost upstaged Lee Seo Jin in Firebird despite being rookie compared to LSJ.


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