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Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

by javabeans

yeah second.. i hope.... omgTJ is sooooo stupid... they could have stuck it through together.. cuz honestly.. if he screws up this time.. he will lose ES forever....


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

by javabeans

Thanks Javabeans..Thanks so much for the summary..I am not sure about TJ's thought now..Man, will he marry HR because of money power? or because he want to save his love's sister??still confused..
Whatever he does, he hurts ES, a lot..a lot..
I just want to shout that why it's so hard for them to be together. Love isn't easy but that's too much for a girl like ES. Love her.


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

by javabeans

sarah!! thanks for the wonderful summary! really appreciate it, it was made fast. wow this is an episode. i cant put the words into to it. but to me HR is such a pathetic person and i cant believe TJ goes that low. i know he has justifications or what but that just kills me. i love ES and JH in this ep to me their emotions feel real.. their sentiments i can understand. i can get ES feelings, but to me TJ is just weird now.. sigh.. i love the first half of this ep.. im going mad!!! ep11 is a killer!


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

by javabeans

Oops my previous got cut out because of that emoticon XD Anyway does Tae Joo intend to use the money he'll get from Hye Rin to help Eun Soo? If that's so then I don't think Eun Soo will accept that! Argh this is such a nice episode at the beginning but it all had to be ruined at the end. Btw I've
read a lot of Japanese manga and the story of QSS is very much in the same tone unlike most Korean dramas that are light.

Thanks Javabeans for the summaries!


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

by javabeans

sarah.. thank you.. i've been visiting your blog quite frequently today as this episode has me on the edge of my seat the whole time.. It doesn't help that I read the spoilers & watched the preview.. so I knew what was coming from the spoilers.. and that is a huge distraction as I couldn't "digest" their romantic moments fully.. knowing what will come at the end of the episode.. I will have to say that as much as i like TJ and fully enjoyed their lovey-dovey moments.. i am getting so frustrated at his decision of picking wealth & power over true love. I understand fully his personality and know where he is coming from- so realistically.. i am not surprised at his actions at all. With that said.. I'm irked that he is abandoning ES again. If they didn't spoil us with all those tender moments throughout the whole episode.. i guess I will be able to accept his decision with less frustations.

I think this drama is so wonderful because it is so real.. it doesn't go out of its way to cover up a character's flaws -it brings to our attention that yes.. in reality.. a person can be weak ..and it is not uncommon for one to pick wealth & power over love.. since some people still tend to believe that money can get you pretty much everything you want.. well.. in some extent.. yes.. it can get you ALOT of things.. hehe

If TJ picks power & wealth over ES.. and it seems like he will do so- I'm sure we will see more of TJ's miserable moments - silently hating himself for being weak & drowning himself in alcohol when he sees JH comforting the hurting ES.. etc.. but that's the choice he made.. so I'm anticipating the consequences.. after all.. he will be reaping what he has sown.

Whether ES can forgive him again in the future.. that will be hard to say.. as she did mentioned that she will always love him.. * beautiful metaphor btw".. but there's obviously a limit to one's tolerance.. as the more you love a person.. the deeper the scar will be.. Personally.. I feel that ES gave him numerous chances.. at least to me.. after the last incident.. he should fully know the consequences of losing her.. I feel that if TJ actually moves forward with marrying HR.. that alone will be the point of no return for ES & TJ.. with that said.. it will be interesting to see how the writer will spin this.

I found this drama very fascinating and very thought-provoking.. I guess you get attached to a drama more when you can connect and relate to it.. and I guess this drama was able to accomplish all that and more.


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

by javabeans

Wah why would he do that >_


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

by javabeans

I was looking forward to your new entry all day! You're awesome.

I can't believe this is happening.... *sigh.


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

by javabeans

awww...this episode was so bittersweet...
Thanks for the summary...

That damn TJ, what is he doing?????

I think his reasoning might be one of two things:
1. He decides to take HR's proposal because once he has the money/power he can help ES. especially now that her sister is in need of a heart transplant..


2. He is bailing out on ES and taking the easy road because on the one hand is ES who now comes with the package that is her sick sister and he doesn't have the confidence to deal with that (coward!)...and on the other hand is HR who is basically offering him the world.

I think #2 is more accurate....or perhaps it's a combination of both

Looking forward to your summary for ep 11....Haha...i feel like i dont even have to watch the drama because you are great at summarizing the most important points :D



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Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

by javabeans

this series is absolutley amazing...
no other words can compare...
it just gets better n better..
looking forward for tomorrows!
thnx java beans

favorite quotes from epi:
"i just want to stay like this" ... so SWEET and romantic

"If you try to have everything and do everything you want, you could lose the thing you like best, and that makes me uneasy...I'll be satisfied with this one thing".... gave me goosebumps because it was just the perfect line

�So instead of taking on something I can't handle, I think it's better to end here. I'm going to marry Hye Rin. I think I'll have to marry Hye Rin.�... just made my heart could feel the pain when he said these words... made me wanna cry :(

"its a mental makes you crazy"...very true..and really funny to hear out of tae jo who never believed in love :)


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

by javabeans

I guess TJ is going to marry to HR for money, sacrifice himself to save JS and ES.
I have to prepare more tissue boxes for next few episodes.
And more tissue needs for the last episode. I will cry for ES/TJ's happy ending!
Thank you, javabeans!


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