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Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

by javabeans

Big thanks for your quick update. I think i'm addicted to both the serie itself and your illustrated summary. As the subs hasnt came out yet, your summary makes the serie much more enjoyable for me. Thanks again and can't wait for the your next one.


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

by javabeans

Thank you for your comment! Is it okay if I reply in English? I can understand your reply, but I'm much more comfortable writing back in English.

You confirm my thoughts on the timeline of Episode 9 and 10 (Ty has written that judging from Hye Rin's comment to Tae Joo upon his return, he's taken his full vacation leave, so you can infer that he and Eun Soo have spent about 3 days on their own mini-trip on their way back from Singapore. You can also tell from the suitcases still in their rooms that they've just come back from Singapore.). I got the sense that a few days had passed -- enough time for Joon Hyuk and Hye Rin to realize they'd lost their partners, but still short enough that things were still new.

Ty, thanks so much for coming to this site and commenting! And thank you for clarifying the time issue, too. I hope you'll keep reading. :)

(my first comment in korean! that's exciting. ^^)


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

by javabeans

Absolutely javabeans~~~

I shall toast to that!



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Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

by javabeans

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Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

by javabeans

man, sometimes what taejoo does really annoys me... (i realized that this is a drama and totally imaginary) you'd think he'd have more courage and stand up for himself. he is being entirely selfish trying to leave eun soo. ahhhh!! but it can't be a kdrama without the couples constantly changing! ^^

thanks for the recap javabeans!!


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

by javabeans

omg i constantly checking back.. in hopes there is somethign more juicy to read about... even though i know the next epi is tonite at 9ish... omg everybody is hype up about this drama.. i even force my sister into reading epi 9's summary and ever since then she is hooked on.. we both fell asleep infront of my laptop waiting for last nights summary... and i doubt that tonite will be any different..


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by javabeans

kip up the g0od w0rk!!!


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Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 20

Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 20

by javabeans

hey, i would like to say thank u, i've found da songs i've been luking for after watching Dalja's Spring. my mom and i always luk forward to watching it...jus too bad it had to end soo's such a lovable drama...u'll hav a gud cry, laugh...and it leaves u wantin're blog is simply da best!! i find it real interesting n helpful. thanks again...


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

by javabeans

Little Princess / Ubiquitouseric, of course I'd be happy to have you link or post to my summaries!

Xena, I have to agree with your mentality toward Tae Joo -- I don't really need to defend his behavior, to keep him a "likable" character. He can be a real tool sometimes, and he can be sweet sometimes, and I don't necessarily want to cherry-pick his best qualities and ignore the bad. He's in-your-face and unapologetic, so I don't need to apologize for him!


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

Que Sera Sera: Episode 10

by javabeans

yes pls... the longer and more detailed the better!
Thank you.

almost fainted at the ending of this episode...


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