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Bad Couple: Episode 6

Bad Couple: Episode 6

by javabeans



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Bad Couple: Episode 6

Bad Couple: Episode 6

by javabeans

Thanks a lot! I love this drama so MUCH! They mesh together! lol.


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Bad Couple: Episode 6

Bad Couple: Episode 6

by javabeans

sarahbeans.. yay.. i'm the first to say thank you.. hehe.. will take some time to fully digest the sweetness of the scenes and be back to comment more.. thank you dearest !!!


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Air City: Episode 9

Air City: Episode 9

by javabeans

sarahbeans.. since this blog has been my 24/7 hang out.. i decided to drop by to say hello here too.. to be honest.. I still adore the hotties so much.. and i would watch this just for them.. but i really really LOVE your versions better.. week after week.. i'm crossing my fingers and hope that they would just let the writer of "All In" write the whole thing and not mix the writers around. Even better, I was hoping that you will join the team and just finish this series off.. to include more scenes of the hotties doing more practical stuff.. haha.. I loveeeeee LJW.. but I gotta agree that next to CJW & LJJ.. he seems like a youngster * but he's as adorable as ever still*.. I won't make more comments about the plot.. * especially the sister relationship part that really irks me*- but I love the actress playing the sister.. she's really cute.. I hope to see more of her or to see her in upcoming dramas. Thank you sarahbeans for all the things that you do for us... :)


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Korean Dramas & Family Relations

Korean Dramas & Family Relations

by javabeans

I don't think anyone has mentioned it but I also thought 1% of Anything was a very family centered drama. It wasn't some over the top love hate relationships. It was just a show depicting run of the mill family and the daily life, sitting down to dinner, chatting amongst each other, arguing etc.
Most telling was the eldest brother's statement about family not being made by blood (since that is just what we are made of) but being made how much family members care for each other and the concern they show for one another. This in response to someone questioning how another character could be his sister if they are not related by blood. I thought this was a wonderful statement.

Its the same thing we see in Bad Family isn't it? None of these people were related by blood but they all showed care and concern for one another...even if they denied it :)


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Air City: Episode 9

Air City: Episode 9

by javabeans

Thanks Sarah for the summary. I like your comments and suggestions.

As I was reading the comments, I thought back to those good old Hong Kong dramas I watched many many moons back. I am not sure if people remember these classics made in the 90s by TVB such as File of Justice. They are episodic and occupational (lawyers, judges, criminals) but the character developments and plot run side by side. In the midst of a plot involving a twist between A and B, they successfully mixed character development, lovelinks without sacrificing the plot at all. And their conversations are meaningful because it gives clues to that specific episode's crime/case study and yet everything they say reflect their personalities. They don't randomly say things or randomly do things because this episode has to end in the next three episodes and we need a cliff-hanger!!!

I still think K-dramas are better with emotions, beautiful sceneries, beautiful songs, attention to detail and subtle performances by the actors...

Gotta give it to Air City for trying to be different and wanting change instead of doing what is easy.


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SBS’s Bad Couple / 불량커플

SBS’s Bad Couple / 불량커플

by javabeans

alfa113, how cool! lucky for your aunt and uncle ;)


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MBC Comedy-Drama “Soulmate”

MBC Comedy-Drama “Soulmate”

by javabeans

Nana, unfortunately it's true there's no season 2. We'll just have to wear our Season 1 out rewatching instead. :(


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 17 (Final)

Que Sera Sera: Episode 17 (Final)

by javabeans

Thks! Good summary....thrs one thing that I would love to comment about this seems so real, like I'm watching a real-life relationship going on..and not like the typical fairy tale love story where the hero seems too good and romantic for real and the girl too innocent and naive. I like how mature the Tae Joo's character is and the fact that such guys may exist. However, as for Joon Hyuk, I was kinda taken back at his sudden realization and the decision to leave for the states alone, and also for the fact that he was so distrustful towards the president initially; due to his vague past that led him to such unfilial act and resentment; but then turned the table around and trusted him wholly when he finally revealed what actually happened. Isn't that too good to be true? Can a person's heart change so quickly? And that if it was that easy to trust him, he should have clarified the whole incident with the president wisely in the beginning... anywayz, I like how she ended up in front of his house falling asleep again. Good drama. And hey, I saw one post on Thank You-- that's a GREAT drama by the way, for one. And it's no typical sad drama with ending like autumn in my heart, for two-- no...this is way much deeper. (AIDS- do you think she's gonna die in the end? I shall give you doubts about it now..) In fact it left me such a great impression that I'm really overwhelmed by it. Cuz that drama taught me a lot of things. It's that good.


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Bad Couple: Episode 5

Bad Couple: Episode 5

by javabeans

I was wondering if you are a professional writer?? from what I can tell you sure have the skills!! your narrated the drama flawlessly that, even if I didn't watch it, I'd feel emotion. You sure are clever with words... keep up the good work:)
BTW, if there are men watching/reading this drama... do take notes!!!


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