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Hana Yori Dango

Hana Yori Dango

by javabeans

I think Meteor Garden and HYD are both great!


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Open Thread #4

Open Thread #4

by javabeans

I LOVED LOVED the newer movie version of "Pride & Prejudice." I thought the cast was excellent and Mr. Darcy was perfect. It's one of my favorite movies ever. Now I'm really curious to see "Death at a Funeral!" *puts on my things-to-watch list* Javabeans, I think tons of people do what you do, and keep Netflix movies for a while. They must earn a majority of their money from the fact that people a lot of times procrastinate or forget, and so they can charge away every month. I want to read good, inspirational, well-written, thought provoking, touching, and wise books. Any suggestions, anyone?


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Open Thread #4

Open Thread #4

by javabeans

i enjoyed Thank You for Smoking, a good balance of the mock and doc. and not drenched with witticism, which can get irritating. one thing that did bug was Katie Holmes. Tom Cruise had to ruin everything about her for me, I miss those Dawson's Creek days and her toothy, crinkly smile. Now, she's Mrs. Femme Bot. Sadness.

djes-- i, too, watch Gossip Girl! Oy!! I promised myself I wouldn't after I publicly scorned the promo clip, deeming it too salacious and saccharine--another show today's youth culture doesn't need! But gees! I find myself downloading the latest episodes and pausing scenes to drool over their ridiculously expensive outfits. Go Nate and Jenny!

The thing with Gossip Girl is that it's this addicting mix of Mean Girls, Cruel Intentions, and Sex and the City. I used to be a major beeyatch in junior high and high school, so when Mean Girls came out on DVD and a bunch of us were watching the movie....well, outcries of....

1. "OMG, that's so YOU."
2. "Dude, did you, like, help write the script?"
3. "Seriously, did you ghost write the screenplay?"

...ensued. Normally, it'd be a compliment but when people think you're Regina George? Not so fantastic. Yes, I'm reformed but sucks how your past self can sock you right in the face, especially when you're trying to start fresh with new friends. Wow, how self-absorbed IS this comment!

Okay, so to anyone who's watched Mean Girls, whose character did you all relate to? Boys, Men please feel free to relate 'cause I know it's more than just a handful of you all that like this movie! (Believe me, your excuses of "oh, uh, some girl left that DVD here, i don't even know what that is!" does not work.)


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Open Thread #4

Open Thread #4

by javabeans

merriwether, really? You didn't like Macfadyen? I thought he was the best Darcy so far -- better than Laurence Olivier and even (gasp!) Colin Firth. (Oh, and don't even get me started on that wooden mannequin of a Darcy in Bride & Prejudice.) He was so great at not trying to be likable in the first half that you really get the whole Lizzy/prejudice thing, and then he just... *swoon.* I was reluctant to watch that P&P, determined to dislike Keira Knightley because for some reason I never liked her, but that film turned me into a Keira Knightley fan.

But I agree that British comedy is great. Coupling, Extras, Absolutely Fabulous, Spaced...

I've never read a Meg Cabot but I have seen both Princess Diaries movies... Really, Bridget Jones is the only chick lit I've read that I'd consider good fiction as well. I used to skim through bad chick lit at the bookstore because I couldn't justify buying it... which is also how I read Da Vinci Code because the book was so cheesy I couldn't bring myself to purchase it, but I wanted to know how it ended. Boy did that book suck. My friend used to do eHarmony and we'd click through the options together, and I'd tell her to immediately reject anyone who listed Da Vinci Code as their favorite book. Sadly, there were quite a few.


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Open Thread #4

Open Thread #4

by javabeans

here I'm again..
Did I mention that I'm addicted to your blog? (and the Open Thread? I've commented on the all three previous posts! :P)

I like chicklits. Not shame of it..hehe..
I stopped faking that I'm deep and literature's advance, since, well,nobody cares. I read whatever I like, anything that interested me on the bookstore..
Lately I was more attached to my TV,like you guys,because watching dramas/movies/any show is less consuming brain's usage.
I work like 12hrs/day, I don't want to restrain my brain more..
But these couple weeks, I started to read again, not good for my wallet though-I bought books that didn't listed on my budget, but hey I just realized that I missed reading!
( I read chick lits,btw. It was fun! )

completely on different topic,
I just started watching Chuck, Samantha Who and the old episodes of the Office.
See, your words have real effect to me? hehehe..
I like those so far, but the Office kinda disturbed me.maybe it's just not my cup of tea.
I'm watching Gossip Girl, for my guilty pleasure..:D

On Korean dramas, my next is Blissful Woman. My auntie somehow recommended it, I wonder is it really good ( I was scared when I know the number of episodes it has ), or it just "ajjuhma's" favorite type of drama.
OK, I must stop. I feel like spamming! ;)


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Mania dramas and the people who love ’em

Mania dramas and the people who love ’em

by javabeans

AFAIK the plan in the UK is simply to add the PCs in a statistically-representative selection of households who are regular VOD users to the contingent whose home sets are already wired up the the monitoring system. Any other approach would be hard to fit into the methods used to project the data from the measurements of traditional viewing, so I imagine it would be the same in other countries.

In fact though, the current nature of VOD technology would mean that much more accurate "ratings" of this viewing sector would possible. Each viewer has an individual "session" on the broadcaster's streaming server. Those sessions could be counted at source (as they clearly are being according to that article) and where the user has to login to connect, user data could be linked to them, which advertisers would love.

On the question of ratings influencing the length and plotting of dramas after they've actually started to air, if I've understood other Korean media sources correctly (which I may well not have done), then Insoon is Pretty was actually shot in its entirety by an independent production company, then auctioned in the can to the broadcasters, ending up with KBS. Which would mean that in the case of that drama, there could be no significant last minute changes as a consequence of ratings, though of course there's always scope for changes in the editing suite.


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Open Thread #4

Open Thread #4

by javabeans

I have a really hard time finishing books these days and can't say I have finished one in years. Anyway, I just picked up Stephenie Meyer's Twilight and it's nice so far. We'll see how it goes.

Aww, merriwether, you thought McFadyen ruined Mr. Darcy? I loved that movie and everyone in it... I especially loved the Elizabeth/Darcy interaction in the Pemberley backyard.


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Goong S: Episode 20 (FINAL)

Goong S: Episode 20 (FINAL)

by javabeans

thanks so much! i couldnt find the last episode but thanks 2 ur post now i have finally finished goong s!


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Open Thread #4

Open Thread #4

by javabeans

I don't think you're the only one who would be reading chick lit novels in secret... Can I just say Meg Cabot writes some pretty cute stuff? Even if you can scent the ending right from the beginning of the book.

I watched Death at a Funeral the other day and it was pretty bloody fantastic. Hilarious British comedy is the best. Matthew McFadyen, I kind of forgive you for ruining Mr Darcy because you were so good in Death at a Funeral.

Hey awesome! We can edit comments, never noticed that function.


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Mania dramas and the people who love ’em

Mania dramas and the people who love ’em

by javabeans

they'll be factoring in viewership from online VOD to the ratings?

A very recent article analyzing the drama's ratings with VOD:


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