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Hana Yori Dango

Hana Yori Dango

by javabeans

love this series! and great review! you made me appreciate hana yori dango more.

by the way, i've been reading your blog for quite some time when i found the link to the goong summaries. thanks for those. it really helped a lot since the subs haven't been out yet. thanks for doing a great job subbing that series =) i really appreciate it. you don't know how much watching goong has gotten me through my life =) seriously ^^

thanks again!


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Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 20

Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 20

by javabeans

you're welcome! and of course i'll be watching and posting about 21 and 22. can't miss the end to this series!!


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Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 20

Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 20

by javabeans

i'm so grateful to see this website where i could read the episode summary. from episode 17-20 there are no eng subs out yet so i've been watching it w/o it. so far i could understand a bit of what's going on just by guessing and all that jazz.. but it's so much soooooo muchhhhhh better after reading your summaries. i'm so grateful to you! thanks a lot! i hope you'll keep it up especially for the last 2 episodes.
i can't wait to see episode 21 and 22!!!


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Goong S: Episode 18

Goong S: Episode 18

by javabeans

Thanks again. Arggg only 2 episodes left.


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Goong S: Episode 17

Goong S: Episode 17

by javabeans

Thanks for the summary and the song.


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Hana Yori Dango

Hana Yori Dango

by javabeans

Yeah, I don't know how they're going to wrap everything up in one more episode... and I agree, S2 has been so much more angst-ridden, it's borderline frustrating because after a while it starts feeling repetitive. I just want everyone to be happy together! lol. But the show is pretty great so I'm trusting that the finale is totally satisfying.


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Hana Yori Dango

Hana Yori Dango

by javabeans

yeah this show is really good, too bad season 2 will end next week, this season has been filled with a lot of angst!!


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Goong S: Episode 18

Goong S: Episode 18

by javabeans

owww my to much can't take it! cheesy momment was so good i want more cheezzzy momment hope 4 season 2 but i knw thats next to imposible. hoo & yang soo so cute together!the sweet momment was the best for me ever.


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Goong S: Episode 18

Goong S: Episode 18

by javabeans

Awww, the PD is hearing our prayers alright. Lotsa heartwarming scenes like these....sigh, makes the whole waiting game for 15 episodes really worth it, doesn't it? Thanks a lot for the summary!


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Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 20

Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 20

by javabeans

i very sad i see drama


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