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Open Thread #4

Open Thread #4

by javabeans

Hey I love this Open Thread posts, so keep them coming.

You change your layouts a few times a week, I wonder how you manage to do that (time, inspiration?). I don't think you had 3 column a page before, am I right?

I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Macfayden. I think the guy's HHYOOTT!!! *wipe drool now.. slurp* . I don't mind Colin Firth though. I think he's a very good actor. Can be hot sometimes too, I don't know why I found him hot in Love Actually. *guilty*

I did watch Office when I was in UK (3 years ago), and I had to agree with djes that it's not my cup of tea either.


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Kim Jae Wook’s “ice fortress”

Kim Jae Wook’s “ice fortress”

by javabeans

Dammit, why is KJW so pretty?

I liked the colours in the music video. The running shots were so pretty as his clothes just flew in the air, making these waves as he ran.


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Open Thread #4

Open Thread #4

by javabeans

Reading your blogs has been part of my morning routine for the past few months but I've never left a comment, until now. Glad to know you're a big Haruki Murakami fan - I'm in awe as to how he comes up with all his brilliant novels. Haven't read all of his works yet, and since you mentioned it, Hard-boiled Wonderland is at the top of my list of books to read. Hopefully I could get to it before the year ends.

Have you read Norwegian Wood yet? That's my favorite so far.


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Kim Jae Wook’s “ice fortress”

Kim Jae Wook’s “ice fortress”

by javabeans

Both song and MV impressed ME.
The colour combinations seemed to perfectly match up with the melody.

*BTW, cool preview function ^^


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Open Thread #4

Open Thread #4

by javabeans

OFFF Topic..
Can someone please *cough Javabeans* run over to Popseoul and verify for me that the banner is indeed of So Ji Sub..?
I don't know why but I seem to be the only one who does not believe that it is him..
Thanks ^^


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Insoon Is Pretty: Episode 2

Insoon Is Pretty: Episode 2

by javabeans

hey Gramps, I know what you mean by Insoon's mother being "self-assured on the surface". That is why I decided to edit my comment above because I realized that just like Insoon, the mother lacks self-confidence. But thanks for correcting me and for your great insight on the subject. This is fun=)


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Coffee Prince: Fourteenth Cup

Coffee Prince: Fourteenth Cup

by javabeans

Eun Hye and Gong Yoo are simply wonderful actors and are warming our hearts with their realistic portrayals. His boyish playfulness and his willingness to lead with his heart rather than with his head are tremendously appealing. I'd love to get a Mini-Cooper and pretend to be driving around in his car. Ahh, what a doll!


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Kim Jae Wook’s “ice fortress”

Kim Jae Wook’s “ice fortress”

by javabeans

soothing and interesting at the same time. thanks for sharing! ;D


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Insoon Is Pretty: Episode 2

Insoon Is Pretty: Episode 2

by javabeans

I'm glad I'm not the only one, too! But I am happy to see dissenting opinions, since I don't want to be the Debbie Downer for the series -- if you enjoy the show, that's cool. I just couldn't shake my feeling that whatever special thing that drew me into Episode 1 had dissipated by Episode 2. It wasn't that I outright hated anything; like thunderbolt, I was just left feeling unmoved and detached. Hopefully it picks back up.


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Open Thread #4

Open Thread #4

by javabeans

I absolutely loved My Name is Asher Lev! I read it in 9th grade for summer reading. I usually end up disliking the summer reading books but asher lev was different. chaim potok is amazing. but jonathan safran foer (the author of everythign is illuminated) --for me-- ehh not so much.

sometimes i wish i can categorize my reading tastes and go, "why yes, i'm rather fond of 17th and 18th century british literature" but i haven't found a favorite genre/period yet. i read everything. i love Jane Austen tho. my favorite book of hers has got to be Emma. probably because that was the only book i read BEFORE watching the movie. sad, but true. i liked P&P the movie better than the novel. i liked sense& sensibility... scratch that, i did not like sense&sensibility at all.

i will admit i still like children's books: roald dahl rocks the hizzouse. right now, i'm rereading The Golden Compass by Philip pullman. i'm soo excited that the movie's coming out! hopefully, they don't screw this up like they did with 'narnia.' natalie kidman as the lady with the evil golden monkey? she's exactly who i envisioned the character to be.


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