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dongwan's voice is love
and i agree, minwoo's eyes are to die for. it looks like someone sculpted his entire face out of gorgeous lol


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HAHHAh... rocketfuel, you are one interesting person.

btw.. i'm liking the dongwan song. i never listened to his songs after he went solo,but i think i will give them a go!


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:) that was a rather nice picture of minwoo. and despite his height, he still seems like a womanizer. hehe.. i liked him a lot better before he started looking greasy. Wah~ i miss the old shinhwa days. *tear*


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chuck? chuck norris? you know...Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding. When Chuck Norris was denied an Egg McMuffin at McDonald's because it was 10:35, he roundhouse kicked the store so hard it became a Wendy's. Also, the Bermuda Triangle used to be the Bermuda Square, until Chuck Norris Roundhouse kicked one of the corners off. And Chuck Norris doesnt wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.

Minwoo doesn't read like he's blaming....more like it was his goal from the start even if he referred to dong wan...and it also seems like dong wan was joking around with the "quiet" stuff. But whever I see that guy on TV and he has that smug look on his face...I feel like giving him a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick to open his eyes.


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okay, i so know this isn't right to comment on a post unrelated to the post but did you see the OldBoy poster in Chuck's bedroom in last night's episode? I never watched that k-flick but dude! So lovin' Chuck even more.


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I watched Blood and the anime was freakin' good. The music (especially sung by Hyde) were awesome, so I'm pretty curious about the film ^^
Didn't know there was one in the making.

Ah Toya Red shield was founded by the great great grandfather of the head of Red Shield...Anyway it was originnally from his family and they created the association to atone for their sin with Diva.

As for emanuel it may be this for the movie I haven't watched it but not the anime.
In the anime Saya and Diva are two sisters that were found in the same "egg" the two girls were woken up by blood. Both are immortal but need blood to survive, but each sister's blood can kill the other and with that blood they can either create some kind of monsters that are called don't rememberwhat but I guess you could say it some kind of vampire, or if they make human drink it when they're on the verge of death, they can create "chevaliers" which are kind of like her and whose role is to protect her.

While Diva was brought up in a cell apart from humans, Saya was on the other side brought up like a real girl. But Saya found Diva and released her not knowing that she would turn out to be...err pretty scary. The Red Shield association was then founded by the family of the scientist that worked on the two sisters, Saya works for them and their ultimate goal is to get rid of Diva who kills and create monsters everywhere.

As for Hagi he's the first chevalier that Saya "created" by mistake in fact, she didn't know he would turn out immortal like this.

Anyway, I'm eager to watch this ^^ Thanks Javabeans for the info ^^


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Coffee Prince: Seventeenth Cup (Final)

Coffee Prince: Seventeenth Cup (Final)

by javabeans

thank you javabean... this website is really cool.... it helped me a lot.....
i want you to know that i am really addicted in this series (coffee prince)..... i love the story..... for me, it is the best korean series.. ever!!!!.....
i love the part where hankyul sung a song for eun chae...( the wake up call) that part is awesome.... i also like the version of han kyul's loving you..... i love it!!! and i love gong yoo that i want to get a copy of it, only the part where han kyul sang the song... could you please give me a copy or just teach me how and where i could download it....thank you very much......


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Lee Da Hae loves rock ‘n’ roll

Lee Da Hae loves rock ‘n’ roll

by javabeans

i saw the video for this and the only thing i could say while watching it was..."WTF?" O_O

it is so AWKWARD! lol...the woman cannot dance...she looked so confused! lol...I felt embarrassed for her ...

she should definitely stick to acting...


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Even I who knows nothing about Korean celebrities news, thought that the two had some intense chemistry between them in that show. That picture with the hearts makes me shudder ...


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Lee Byung Heon on a concert tour

Lee Byung Heon on a concert tour

by javabeans

Hi javabeans, what a nice surprise seeing LBH featured here. Love your sharing and insightful drama commentaries, btw.

But LBH isn't switching careers, merely just entertaining his fans at the "concerts".. what else can an actor do at a 2-hr session fan meets anyways. ^^
Hope it turns better than initially thought and hyped by the media.

Thanks for the gist especially, often times we wonder what the articles are really saying.


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