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Black Out: Episode 9

Black Out: Episode 9

by mistyisles

Well we have 5 more episodes so I'm prepared for what seems obvious to not actually be true. Just don't know how much lower these people will sink and how much of that my blood pressure can take 😓.


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[Drama Chat] What’s your favorite romance trope?

[Drama Chat] What’s your favorite romance trope?

by Unit

Full Time Wife Escapist sounds a little like Because This Is My First Life, one of my all-time favorite dramas. I will have to check it out!


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Love Next Door: Episodes 9-10

Love Next Door: Episodes 9-10

by missvictrix

I think I could take it veering into melodrama if the ml had been better, but this is the issue I had with Hometown Cha cha, the ml was just not good to the fl until very late into the show. Here, the ml started off fun and cute and on a level field with the fl, and I was already inclined to like him because of Jung Haein, but then he devolved into the kind of ml I can't stand, where he feels entitled to her and her feelings in some way and not only tries to dictate what she should do, but judges her for not doing things the way he wants to and treats her rudely and possessively instead of like a partner and a friend. I understand feeling devastated, but hearing about her health issues and one of the main things that you can say (after ignoring her for ages!) is how could you treat me that way by not telling me is genuinely awful.


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[Drama Chat] What’s your favorite romance trope?

[Drama Chat] What’s your favorite romance trope?

by Unit

Forget about pajamas... How many times have we seen characters going to bed pretty much FULLY CLOTHED? I'm not talking about someone coming home stinking drunk and passing out on the bed, or two people nervously forced to share a bed.


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Love Next Door: Episodes 9-10

Love Next Door: Episodes 9-10

by missvictrix

Since melodrama is Jung Hae In's wheelhouse, it's not totally surprising that the drama has taken this turn. I would think this is probably a good chance to take a mental note that if Jung Hae In is in it as a main lead, it will be melodramatic at some point.

Wow, this made me think of Ji Chang Wook because I wondered if when you see him that means he will be kissing someone at some point. Not necessarily that it will be romantic but sensual or tension filled.


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Love Next Door: Episodes 9-10

Love Next Door: Episodes 9-10

by missvictrix

I can't ever make out or hear the Greip english scenes but do people really gossip about people having cancer like that? I don't know what else was said but it seemed mocking


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Love Next Door: Episodes 9-10

Love Next Door: Episodes 9-10

by missvictrix

This show is infuriating. This show thinks it's so smart by not showing us the full scene, or let us know certain stuff, only to then later reveal it in a "surprise" twist. No, show, this doesn't make you smart. The trick is so darn obvious and the whole thing feels so cheap that it just makes you look pathetic.

Anyway, we've also gotten to the point where literally every character in this show is more tolerable than the male lead, so congrats on that one, show. This guy is just simply infuriating. He's jealous, petty, immature, selfish, mean, childish, hypocritical, and a bunch of other things. Can someone please explain what I'm supposed to see in this guy? Flawed characters are great, but this show only treats him as a flawed character 5% of the time, and then proceeds to pretend he's perfect for the remaining 95%, even when he's so obviously not. Everyone is more tolerable than him simply because this show knows that they are flawed, and writes them as such. Flawed characters don't work when you literally ignore the flaws. The only time this show has actually treated him like a flawed character is when Seok-ryu finally called him out (after multiple scenes where the only thing he does is yell at her), and that's literally the bare-minimum and lasts like 2 minutes. I get she should've told you about the cancer, but also... stop making this about yourself? Yeah, you were hurt, I get it, but last I checked, you weren't the one with cancer, so shut up and quit it with your holier-than-thou attitude. Literally everybody else managed to hug her after 2 minutes, so why on earth should I care about him hugging her hours later? Oh, and who do you think you are setting "rules" for the last meeting of Seok-ryu and her ex? Seriously what gives you the right?

Anyway, I think it's pretty clear I'm just angry at this show right now. I'm probably just going to skip scenes or use the 1.5 speed button, because I can't do this anymore, but I also don't want to drop it because there are still some thing I like.


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[Drama Chat] What’s your favorite romance trope?

[Drama Chat] What’s your favorite romance trope?

by Unit

The ML cooking a gourmet dinner for the FL and setting off the sprinkler system was positively the best thing about King the Land.


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Love Next Door: Episodes 9-10

Love Next Door: Episodes 9-10

by missvictrix

I almost dropped the show after last week, but this week brought me back a bit. I guess her illness was the catalyst needed to kick the other character’s (namely her family and Seung-hypo) into proper self-reflection. I also appreciated how it was an important part of the strength of her and Hyeon-Jin’s relationship and also its demise. I was ready to kick his character to the curb last week but was truly sad to see him go this week. I somehow ended up with EFS—ex-fiance syndrome 😂 I was never really on the Seok-ryu/Seung-hyo ship.

I’m not sure about these final weeks and what they’re going to cover. I was invested in Seung-hyo’s parents’ relationship but their lack of communication is just irritating now. Plus the show hinting at his mom in early stages of dementia is just 🤦🏻‍♀️😩🤬 Like, we just got through stomach cancer. You’re really going to “heal” another family with potential terminal illness? There’s so much wrong with the writing for this show I can’t even.

I came to the show for a cute friends-to-lovers rom-com but am now just watching it for Seok-ryu’s journey of self-discovery and growth. I’d be perfectly content if Seok-ryu just Julie & Julia’d the rest of this show. In fact, I’d prefer it.


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Love Next Door: Episodes 9-10

Love Next Door: Episodes 9-10

by missvictrix

It's honestly kinda frustrating and confusing to me how they've used the ex fiance. First they made it seem like he's a cheater and then have him come back in the picture to be met with hostility by her parents only to then have the mother try to help him get Seok Ryu back. Then he acts like he's still Seok Ryu's guardian. Only to then end with "I wasn't what you needed but at least we had good times".
Seung Hyo's weird entitlement isn't any better to me. I think one of the more frustrating is Seok Ryu not clarifying anything but I also get that she's supposed to be kinda overwhelmed. It's still frustrating though.

I don't know if it's the cultural difference or it's a me thing but I really & truly can't stand the parents. I wish Seok Ryu would just move into her own place.
And also, Seok Ryu is in her 30s! How are they saying whether they'll allow her to do anything? She's not even financially dependent on them (especially given her big corporate job in the states for a decade or however long it was)

Sigh, I'm not a fan of how the relationship between Seung Hyo's parents played out. The mom KNOWS she wasn't around for his childhood or are we to believe that she revised it in her memory? The mom and dad had little to no interaction and now it's supposed to be heart fluttering that he cleaned broken glass and stopped her from walking on it? Sidenote: why was she even trying to walk barefoot around broken glass? And then them having ramen and reminiscing just felt forced and out of nowhere to me. It feels like I'm missing episodes or moments in between only to go right back to the dad assume the mother is having an affair.

Ahhh, so the fiance could "handle" the physical illness but not the mental illness? Hmm.
Not to diminish how mentally exhausting it can be to deal with someone who is going through depression but this is also why it would've been beneficial if they let others into their world; people like her trusted friends. Even if she couldn't get in touch with Seung Hyo, why not reach out to Mo Eum?

And once again the kdramaverse is more forgiving than I am.


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