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You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

by javabeans

Heh, all I can say is good try on the English. But I had to stop playing it. I was cringing a lot... But the Korean Version is better obviously because I'm not as fluent in Korean as I am in English, so I just kind of listen to it rather than interpreting/translating/understanding the lyrics. I have to listen to a Korean song a couple of times before I start understanding what they're saying, lol.

Well to me, the picture on this post right now is making me feel a little awkward 'cause she's so dang skinny/fit, hahaha. How much more awkward is the mv? hahaha I think I'll pass before I begin to feel jk. But really, the english version? No. No thank you.


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I admire MinWoo for his talents in composing and arranging his own music, as well as his choreography, but I really don't like his greasy image. I loved "The M Style" off his new album... until I saw him perform live with all those sexy dancers and another rapper instead of Tablo... The MV is even worse...


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You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

by javabeans

I also found the english version of her song was a good effort from Da Hae tho. *applaudes her*

As for her English, I've only heard her speak the language a few times (cos I don't remember she's spoken that many lines anywhere given that I always follow her news). But I'd say she's fluent enough for a Korean who has studied in Aus for a few's not like she grew up there. Ppl actually made a mistake, thinking that Da Hae actually grew up in Aus..she was only there for a few years!

I think she shoud stick to acting also.. but still, a good effort for trying out!


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You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

by javabeans

Hey Anonymous,
I really wasn't suggesting that you were blaming the (imo bad) singing on the Australian accent (obviously not, because you appreciate it more than the rest of us).

I was just trying to say that it's not her accent because she doesn't have one (not an Australian one anyway). Lol.


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You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

by javabeans

The English version is awful... My Korean friend who came to Sydney with her family when she was 5 years old still had a trace of Korean accent, but definitely spoke better English than Lee Da Hae. LDH may attempt a simple ballad for the OST of her next TV drama, but should really not switch to singing altogether.


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You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

by javabeans

Qwen, you're welcome. I'm glad you found the lyrics useful.
Kelly, I wasn't blaming the Australian accent, though I understand how it would appear that I did. I just think it's a factor to consider when listening to her speak/sing the language.
Ah well, guess I'll be the only one pitching tent in this camp then. XP


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You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

by javabeans

HAHA Well, we'll only be able to settle this by having Lee Da Hae exchange some English dialogue, preferrably with one of us (j/k, HAHA I wish). Do you recall Speed, the shelved drama-project Lee Da Hae was supposed to have starred in? That would have been a good test of her proficiency.


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You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

by javabeans

First of all thanks Javabeans for the songs! I was so curious about Lee Da Hae's singing when I readed your previous article. I love the Korean version better than the English one. And thanks Anonymous for the lyric! I wouldn't be able understand the English version at all if Anonymous doesn't post the lyric. Like you mention, Anonymous, once I saw the lyric, and follow along with the her singing, I found her English is better. I think Lee Da Hae's english is good but I agree with Javabeans that she is certainly not fluent in English.
Second, this is my first comment, I have been a silence reader. I love your articles, Javabeans!!! I am addicted to your blog so keeping the good works. We all looking forward to you.


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You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

by javabeans

Let me back javabeans up on that. I'm from Australia and it certainly isn't the Australian accent (put cheaply, it's what we here call the "fob" accent - as in fresh off boat). I could hardly understand what she was saying, just mumbles here and there and a phrase every now and again.
Australians do have an accent when compared with other English speakers but it's one that definitely doesn't come through in song. If you've heard of any Australian artists, you can see there is no inherent difference between how the songs are sung and things are pronounced.
I was quite interested in what LDH's English would be like too when i found out she did most of her high school years in Australia. To actually have an Australian accent, I'd say you need to be born here or have been over here for at least 10 years (it helps if you come over young - the majority of adults no matter how long they've migrated don't adopt it), and that's being generous.

LDH's English is far from fluent. Which is not to say there's a problem with that as her Korean's all she really needs to do what she does but i too get annoyed when people put some star's proficiencies as much higher than deserved just because they spent some time overseas. That and I don't like the idea that something gets blamed on the "Australian accent" primarily because it's bad. Our outback accent's pretty bad i must admit, but not THAT bad. lol.


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You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

by javabeans

Anonymous, I'm sure. It's not (only) her accent; it's her syntax and wording. Don't get me wrong; she's not BAD. She's just not great and the only reason I care is that it annoys me when Koreans tend to exalt anyone with the teensiest English exposure (as a non-native) as being fluent and brilliant. Many of them aren't.


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