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Open Thread #4

Open Thread #4

by javabeans

I can't believe that a lot of people like Pride and Prejudice as well! I was so excited when they started showing the trailer and LOVED it as soon as I saw it in the theatre. Matthew McFadyen is the ULTIMATE Mr. Darcy for me. I disagree with Da Vinci Code though. I thought it was really interesting when I first read it but its popularity kind of ruined it for me. A lot of similar books came out and in the end I kind of got sick of it.
As for good books right now, I like the Devil and Miss Prym by Coelho and I heard Middlesex and Kiterunner is really good. I am reading The other Boleyn Girl which is a cross between history and drama. I just thought it interesting that King Henry VIII took an interest to Anne Boleyn's sister first before he married her. Anyway, it's pretty good so far.
On a different note, I can relate to being drawn to watching Gossip Girl despite its "Mean Girls" tendencies. The actresses that play Serena and Blair are really not that credible as high school students. They look more like working girls but I am really drawn to the lifestyle of the rich and famous...not to mention the things that they wear in the show! Wow! I'd just have to say, I love Blair's fashion sense more than Serena's...


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Cultivating the Lolita complex

Cultivating the Lolita complex

by javabeans

"The “Lolita Complex” seems to be a very Western thing though…"

I don't know about that. Maybe it's not a strange thing in Chinese culture but it's not considered appropriate or acceptable in Korean. 16 yr olds aren't adults in Korea and the relationship with an adult would be illegal. So maybe some cultures definitely stress it more or less than others but it's not just a western thing.


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Cultivating the Lolita complex

Cultivating the Lolita complex

by javabeans

I've always been rather disturbed by Wonder Girls and their dance routines. One of the things I noticed about Wonder Girls popularity was how willing people were to embrace their sexy images. Being around the same age as these girls and living in a rather liberal nation like Australia, I find it really wrong that they exploit their sexuality like that. Is it just a passing phase or something that will continue on for many generations? Can't help but wonder if we're crying wolf over nothing or if it's something that requires urgent attention. But still, the whole Lolita thing scares me.


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Cultivating the Lolita complex

Cultivating the Lolita complex

by javabeans

The "Lolita Complex" seems to be a very Western thing though...

I know in Chinese society (both Taiwan and the Mainland) no one bats an eye when a 26 year old guy is dating a 16 year old girl (now the reverse would be shocking because well, male privilege is universal ^_^

Of course people will definitely frown upon this if the guy is in his 30s or 40s but it's not the same type of condemnation you see in the US, i.e. it's not a "he's a pedophile"-type of issue, but rather a "what a loser"-type thing.


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Cultivating the Lolita complex

Cultivating the Lolita complex

by javabeans

After I saw a Wonder Girls video, I wanted to see how old they were because they looked pretty young. I was actually stunned at their youth. They do have talent, but that's not what got me. What I was so taken aback by was their extraordinarily sexual dance and dress. I really don't think that's healthy for anybody, whether it's the girls or their adult fans. Heck, even their young fans.


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You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

by javabeans

she's definitely not fluent, and it's most obvious when she's singing "He smiled so I got up and’ asked for his name" it's her pronunciation that bugs me. it's weird when she pronounce words like "asked". i love her acting much much much more than her singing. her voice itself is a little too nasal. my korean classmate speaks much better english.


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Insoon Is Pretty: Episode 2

Insoon Is Pretty: Episode 2

by javabeans

"Everybody in this drama so far, with the exception of little Eun Seok (and maybe also of Insoon’s friend from inside), has something to hide (and that includes Teacher Seo, Good Guy though he doubtless is). And most of them, apart from Insoon, are really intent on hiding it. Which means they are putting on an act."

Hey # 15 Anonymous, I really enjoyed your comments. And I agree with you that most of the characters have things they are hiding. But putting on an act is one thing; letting us feel that they are obviously acting is another thing. As a viewer, I want to feel the effect, not the device. Take for instance the scene in Sang Woo's bedroom where he's mulling over Insoon's bombshell revelation. The look on his face shows a man who is perplexed. Or at least he's supposed to look perplexed and disturbed. But I couldn't help laughing in that scene because all I saw was a KMJ who looked awkward and uncomfortable trying to prop his head up on one hand as he lay in that position. I confess I burst out laughing several times in this episode during a Sang Woo scene, not because he did or said anything funny but because he just seemed... comical. By the way, I'm quite fond of KMJ as an actor because of Damo so I'm not picking on him the way I do with actors I'm allergic to.^^ I just know that in Episode 1 he made my eyes light up and in Episode 2 he made me laugh for all the wrong reasons.

The acting in Episode 2 wasn't bad but it was, like Sarah said, "just a hair too act-y." Dahee's description of Episodes 3 & 4 nails my overall impression of Episode 2. Lackluster is the word. But I'm still going to keep watching this because I like Insoon.


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Kim Jae Wook’s “ice fortress”

Kim Jae Wook’s “ice fortress”

by javabeans

Ok, here are my translations, there're far from perfect and honestly, I think I butchered the original meaning. But in anycase, I put the somewhat equivalent meaning in [ ] when I think they're needed

가사] 디어클라우드 - 얼음요새
Ice Fortress (Diary Cloud)

얼음요새를 향해 걸었지
(I) walked towards the ice fortress
얼어버린 두 귀를 감싸며
covering my frozen ears
흐릿해진 길을 더듬어
fumbling on the misty road
따뜻한 널 안기 위해서
so as to be able to hug the warm you
그렇게 겨울을 걸었지
That was how I spent winter

겨울 가운데 네가 있었고
You were there, in the midst of winter
용길 내어 네게 다가갔어
(I) plucked up my courage to approach you
넌 아름답고 잔인했지
You were beautiful, yet cruel.
영원한 사랑은 내게 없을 거라며
To you, eternal love doesnt exist [and so]
차갑게 날 밀어냈어
You pushed me away coldly

* 눈부시도록 아름다워
You are dazzling beautiful
안되는 줄 알면서도
Even though I knew it was impossible
작은 기적이라도 내게
찾아와줄 수는 없는지
Even if by a small miracle, (I knew that) it wouldn't be possible that you'd come looking for me
온갖 차가운 말로
With cold words,
내 맘을 얼어붙게 해
You froze my heart
부디 나약한 내 손을 잡아줘
I beg of you, please take my asexual/spiritless hand

너는 아무리 아니라해도
Even as you as you say its impossible
나는 여전히 널 보고있어
I look towards you as I used to in the past [as in, I still love you]
얼음같은 너의 영혼은
Your ice-like soul
멈추지 않는 이 추위 속 겨울과
꼭 닮아있구나
Exactly resembles this intense cold spell that doesn't end


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You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

by javabeans

^ she sounds like a FOB. It's not a bad thing, but she's not fluent, you can tell.


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You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

You be the judge: Lee Da Hae’s single

by javabeans

you can watch her speak both english and chinese here. I think her english is fine =p. As for the accent it's not exactly Australian accent but what I would call Asian Australian accent. I'm originally from Malaysia where I speak english as my primary language but have worked in England for the past four years and I can tell you although I'm fluent in English, can speak with an accent if I choose to, it's still wouldn't be James Bond english sounding. Asians tend to speak much faster so to European or American or Australian counterparts we might sound like we are mumbling. I tend to forget sometimes and get a "speak up mate" in my ear. However in general asians will adapt after awhile and learn to speak slower and clearer. Hope this clears up this accent and fluency issue a lot of non-asian born people have(not meant to me racist comment). Thank you.


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