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Goong S: Episode 19

Goong S: Episode 19

by javabeans

Thank you, Javabeans... I love you... You can be a very good writer with your funny but sharp analyzis... :)


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Goong S: Episode 19

Goong S: Episode 19

by javabeans

I love your dialogue translation


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Goong S: Episode 19

Goong S: Episode 19

by javabeans

Thank you


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Goong S: Episode 19

Goong S: Episode 19

by javabeans

hey thanks a lot! you're a real lifesaver! =)
Thanks in advance and looking forward to your summary for Ep20! =p


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Goong S: Episode 19

Goong S: Episode 19

by javabeans

THANK YOU SOO MUCH. I love the way you write your summaries. Hahah, it's so witty. And all your side notes are really true .. about that bittersweet part between Hoo and Soon Yi.. so sad, but we all KNEW that was going to happen.

THANK YOU SOOO MUCH (again). I couldn't find anything about episode 19 .. hopefully, episode 20 will be sum everything up. Thanks!! (for the third time .. -__-


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Goong S: Episode 19

Goong S: Episode 19

by javabeans

Just want to say THANK YOU for the summaries. I especially love the comment about Alex and a inanimated object. Love how u always state whats on your mind, plus they r hilarious. So sad its ending so soon.


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Goong S: Episode 19

Goong S: Episode 19

by javabeans

thanks sooooooooooooo much for the summary, only one episode left!!!!!


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Goong S: Episode 19

Goong S: Episode 19

by javabeans

Thank you for the translation. It makes me feel kinda good that Hoo has not wavered in his feelings towards Soon Yi. I just hope the final Episode will be the happy ending that we all are hoping for and not some open ended (are they together or are they not) finale.

Thanks again...really appreciate the hard work you put in for the subbing of the drama as well.


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Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 19

Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 19

by javabeans

You can download it via club box or torrent. Then there are the usual streaming sites like youtube, although they are cracking down and deleting lots of files recently.


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Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 19

Dal Ja’s Spring: Episode 19

by javabeans

Where to watch EP 19 online?


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