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Alex pretending to be Tablo

Alex pretending to be Tablo

by javabeans

hhahhaha i would never mistake them... but love them both..


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Mixed-up Investigative Agency: Case 9

Mixed-up Investigative Agency: Case 9

by javabeans

The song featured sounds like a waltz. I'm constantly counting 1,2,3...1,2,3 after it. hahahh


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Mixed-up Investigative Agency: Case 10

Mixed-up Investigative Agency: Case 10

by javabeans

Man...what a depressing episode... ._.
“How many ‘What if’s are our lives built upon?”
1,000? o.o


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Witch Amusement: Episode 13

Witch Amusement: Episode 13

by javabeans

Love the review

That was by far the best line of the review! I love it.


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Jung Il Woo’s girlfriend-y wishes

Jung Il Woo’s girlfriend-y wishes

by javabeans

Sorry, random but do you have more music from Wow? I really can't get this song out of my head. I tried to search for them on the site I usually use but no one seems to have their music.


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Alex pretending to be Tablo

Alex pretending to be Tablo

by javabeans

Totally has nothing to do with anything but...
Alex looks amazing in that picture.


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Mixed-up Investigative Agency: Case 9

Mixed-up Investigative Agency: Case 9

by javabeans

OMG!"Glory Glory hallelujah!"
HAHAHAHA! That cross thing? My mom does it all the time! (whenever shes freaked out) LOL


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Mixed-up Investigative Agency: Case 9

Mixed-up Investigative Agency: Case 9

by javabeans

i just finished watching case 7 over KBS world. seriously i think you guys should watch it. i read the summary as well but i still favour the drama cause that way you won't miss out much. i believe javabeans will agree with me. it's getting interesting and can't wait for the next case...this drama is worth it and i like all the casts as well. as always looking forward for your reviews and it gets me going for more.... thank you javabeans!


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Mixed-up Investigative Agency: Case 9

Mixed-up Investigative Agency: Case 9

by javabeans

Yep I don't watch the series..Just read your posts they are as good. (^_^)


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I've almost finished watching Green Rose (episode 19) and have really enjoyed watching Go Soo who reminds me of an older version of Li Wan whom I also like. Lee Da Hae is fast becoming one of my favourite actresses too. I'll be getting this series as soon as I'm done, along with Hello Miss.
For those who are bored and have started watching japanese dramas, Nodame Cantible is hilarious. Also check out Hotaru no Hikari if you like quirky characters. For some interesting mysteries, check out Galileo. Handsome scientist meets rookie female cop and fireworks (actually laser beams) are shooting off (literally).
For those who think javabeans is too slow, poo on you. Just be thankful she even shares her wonderful thoughts and comments with us. I am amazed that she can find time to even post up to 3 daily postings. You're my angel.


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