Category: Open Thread
  • 27

    Open Thread #10

    One holiday down, one more to go. Anyone have big New Year's Eve plans? I'll have limited internet access over the weekend (but I'll still be posting -- the rest...

  • 53

    Open Thread #9

    Wow, it's the last weekend before Christmas already? I'm so not the holiday-festivities type. Do you guys "do" the holidays or is it just another day off from school/work...

  • 40

    Open Thread #8

    Thanks to everyone who took my blog reader survey! By far the most interesting factoid: this blog readership is a whopping 95% female. Whoaaa. (Either that or guys reaaaally don't like...

  • 39

    Open Thread #7

    What's up? Another Friday, another Open Thread! Thanks to Dooce, I spent a good hour yesterday Youtubing clips of the sketch comedy show Man Stroke Woman (love Nick Frost!): SONG...

  • 51

    Open Thread #6

    Don't really have a "topic" to kick off this Open Thread today... So I'll just ramble (and you all say, "Don't you always?"). It's raining. Ooh, my favorite weather. I...

  • 24

    Open Thread #5

    Raise your hand if you ate too much yesterday. Heh. So today's Black Friday -- busiest shopping day of the year. Who's going shopping to get the most out of...

  • 37

    Open Thread #4

    Do you get Netflix guilt? I've had the same DVD for the past few months and I know what a horrible waste of money that is, but for some reason...

  • 43

    Open Thread #3

    Another Friday, another Open Thread! Anyone doing NaNoWriMo (aka National Novel Writing Month) this year? Anyone done it in the past and have any insights/comments/rants? I was thinking...

  • 34

    Open Thread #2

    Since Open Thread #1 was a smashing success, here we go again! First, you may notice some changes. I really like the new design/color scheme. I would've made more drastic...

  • 67

    Open Thread #1

    I've seen open threads on other blogs and always wondered what they were. Then I found out and went, "Ohh, why didn't I think of that before?" Especially considering how...