Category: Open Thread
  • 57

    Open Thread #20

    You may have noticed a little change around these here parts. Honestly, I'd never had the intention to change layouts every several months -- this is my fourth layout since...

  • 24

    Open Thread #19

    Happy Leap Year (Day?)! Any Leap Year babies here? Poor kids -- I always wondered if they had to relegate their birthdays to February 28 or March 1. Been behind on the...

  • 24

    Open Thread #18

    Not too much to report today. Let's see -- Oscars are on Sunday. Yawn. I'd probably skip them entirely if not for Jon Stewart, although his brand of humor tends...

  • 30

    Open Thread #17

    Okay, so I'm sure most of you have already seen, or heard of, the video that used as its base the "Yes We Can" speech made by...

  • 28

    Open Thread #16

    Ring in the Rat Year! Any Rats around? Anybody think there's anything to each zodiac sign's characteristics? I don't really pay too much attention to astrology or numerology or any...

  • 43

    Open Thread #15

    Wow, I totally missed my blog's first anniversary (sometime mid-January, although the actual start date's a little hazy). I don’t really think it's a big deal, except that it's...

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    Open Thread #14

    This week: People tell the truth for money (is that the only way to get that to happen these days?), American Idol is apparently under way again (I don't really...

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    Open Thread #13

    Phew, exhausted -- have spent the past few days in a manic burst of early spring cleaning. I love things ordered but my natural state veers toward The Clutter (far...

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    Open Thread #12

    Let's see what happened this week… So Hillary cries and Obama loses New Hampshire. (Btw, as much as I'm rooting for Obama, and find Hillary cringe-inducing and calculating -- but...

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    Open Thread #11

    So, it's 2008. Who feels old? Anyone make resolutions? I haven't made any in years, but that's probably because any resolutions I might make are the kinds of things that I...