Category: Open Thread
  • 22

    Open Thread #26

      Happy Friday, everyone! Everyone's talking about the pope, astronauts, Democrat infighting, creepy polygamists sects… What's going on with you? SONG OF THE DAY Dashboard Confessional - "The Best Deceptions."...

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    Open Thread #25

      This week I found a couple of fantastic book-related sites/services, and now I'm hooked getting my information uploaded and organized (you know how the first few days are...

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    Open Thread #24

      I actually came upon this link from Boing Boing, but check out this woman's site. Going by the moniker 'komusin' (or gomushin, aka old-fashioned rubber shoes), the artist takes...

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    Open Thread #23

      Couldn't have said it better myself: It's been a long week. Thank god it's Friday!   SONG OF THE DAY Spoon - "I Summon You" [ Download ] [audio:http://www....

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    Open Thread #22

      Another Friday, another Open Thread. What's up y'all? (Oh, and Happy Easter weekend everyone.) SONG OF THE DAY Earlimart - "Gonna Break Into Your Heart" [ Download ] [audio:http://www....

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    Open Thread # 21

      Happy White Day everyone! (Although I think more of us probably don't observe the holiday than do.) In case you're not familiar with the concept, White Day takes place...

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    Open Thread #20

    You may have noticed a little change around these here parts. Honestly, I'd never had the intention to change layouts every several months -- this is my fourth layout since...

  • 24

    Open Thread #19

    Happy Leap Year (Day?)! Any Leap Year babies here? Poor kids -- I always wondered if they had to relegate their birthdays to February 28 or March 1. Been behind on the...

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    Open Thread #18

    Not too much to report today. Let's see -- Oscars are on Sunday. Yawn. I'd probably skip them entirely if not for Jon Stewart, although his brand of humor tends...

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    Open Thread #17

    Okay, so I'm sure most of you have already seen, or heard of, the video that used as its base the "Yes We Can" speech made by...