Category: Open Thread
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    Open Thread #40

      Holla. The Stills - "Gender Bombs." I'm kind of ambivalent on The Stills -- I like some shoegazer-y, Manchester-style dream-pop stuff but it's not really my favorite genre. But...

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    Open Thread #39

      Friday at last! Oh thank heaven. Morcheeba - "Sao Paulo," my favorite Morcheeba song. [ Download ] [audio:] RELATED POSTS Open...

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    Open Thread #38

      Everyone have a good three-day holiday last weekend? (Anyone get caught with fireworks? The neighborhood was uncharacteristically quiet this year, I thought.) What's going on? SONG OF THE DAY...

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    Open Thread #37

      Happy Fourth of July!! May you all have too much to eat and drink, plenty of sun in which to bask (heed faux Vonnegut! Wear sunscreen), and lots of...

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    Open Thread #36

      Phew, I've had a crazy-busy week. I had so many more posts planned, so many more hours of drama-watching intended, but I'm just pooped. Maybe I'll have a restful...

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    Open Thread #35

      Phew, I haven't gotten out of town in a long while. I'm heading down to San Diego for zee weekend, and I have one singular goal: to spend as...

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    Open Thread #34

      So this week I was a good little citizen bee and served out my jury duty, which was a big ol' plate of annoying. Not the jury duty itself,...

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    Open Thread #33

      I try to keep my political opinions to myself (nothing gets volatile opinions flaring faster than discussions on politics and religion), but it's Open Thread day so I'll just...

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    Open Thread #32

      So, who enjoyed their short week? I have to make the half-shameful admission that the highlight of my TV-viewing experience this week wasn't a kdrama for once (meh, they're...

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    Open Thread #31

      Well, I've been sick all week. (You know what the downside of being really healthy is? All your medicine is expired.) Bleh. Alls I know is, I'd better be...