Category: Open Thread
  • 22

    Open Thread #50

      What a weird, crazy, hectic week. Hope you're all keeping well. TGIF. SONG OF THE DAY Carla Bruni - "Le Temps Perdu" [ Download ] [audio:

  • 31

    Open Thread #49

      Just got my big fat election booklet in the mail! Have y'all registered to vote yet? You have until October 20 (at least in California) to be eligible to vote...

  • 17

    Open Thread #48

      Oh man, I woke up this morning thinking it was Thursday. Totally threw myself off. On one hand, yay Friday! On the other, crap, I (fake-)lost an entire...

  • 37

    Open Thread #47

      'Sup people. Weekend plans? I had a   >.

  • 44

    Open Thread #46

      What's cookin'? (Not me, that's for sure. You know what the worst part about experimenting with cooking is? You have to EAT your failures... each bite... mocking you...)  ...

  • 31

    Open Thread #45

      Got plans for the holiday weekend? (That reminds me: Go buy the drinky.) I guess the approach of Labor Day means the start of school for all you young'uns?...

  • 12

    Open Thread #44

      Speak your mind! ;)   SONG OF THE DAY Okay, I'm trying something different today with these Eric Hutchinson songs. I love this singer-songwriter, but I hadn't posted anything up...

  • 87

    Open Thread #43

      Fair warning: Rantiness ahead, but feel free to comment on non-ranty topics below! Phew, for one who hadn't intended to follow the Olympics to any close degree, I spent...

  • 38

    Open Thread #42

      (This is actually the model daughter of female former basketball star Park Chan-sook -- silver medalist at 1984’s Olympic games -- who’s just made a CF deal with...

  • 10

    Open Thread #41

      It's AUGUST?? Where does the time go? What happened to all the awesome wonderful exciting productive things I was supposed to do this year? Better get on it. Her...