Category: Open Thread
  • 24

    Open Thread #60

      Pulled two super-late-nighters in a row and aged body cannot handle it. So… tired. Wish I could crawl back into bed, but no, must muddle through the day. Talk...

  • 30

    Open Thread #59

      Everyone (in the U.S.) have a good Thanksgiving? Anyone going Black Friday shopping? Personally, the thought of getting out at the crack of dawn to fight hundreds of...

  • 23

    Open Thread #58

      Another Friday, another Open Thread. Go nuts. Anyone have a memorable week? Special weekend plans? Edit: It's that time of year again! If you've got a spare minute (or,...

  • 46

    Open Thread #57

      Let's see, what's happened lately? Prop 8. passed in California (for shame) and Keith Olbermann waxed poetic (and emotional) about it. Not to diminish the importance of Olbermann's comments (as...

  • 14

    Open Thread #56

      What a week! What's cookin'? (Now that the election is over, we can finally turn our attentions to more important matters! Like, say, fattening up for the winter. Bring...

  • 160

    Open Thread, election style

    All right, I wasn't exactly planning to do this, but since there have been a few scattered election comments in various threads, I figured, why not just have a place...

  • 47

    Open Thread #54

    First, and most importantly… Courtesy of Yes We Can (Hold Babies) Voting is (finally) upon us! I cannot wait for Tuesday. I predict I will be hungover Wednesday. (I just...

  • 23

    Open Thread #53

      SONG OF THE DAY Fiona Apple - "Better Version of Me." I have a friend who only listens to Fiona Apple when she's angry. Maybe it's counterintuitive of me,...

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    Open Thread #52

      I can't wait for this election to be over. I just want to vote already! Unless things go horribly awry and I am forced to look into Canadian work...

  • 20

    Open Thread #51

      Open Thread #51 already? Considering that means I've had almost a year's worth of open threads (and I hadn't even started them until the blog had been going a while),...