So beanies, tell me the most boring book you have ever read and which has the quality to make you fall asleep, not the frustrating kind? I need some help falling asleep.


    The lord of the rings. Boring, boring, boring. Lots of songs and indications rather than descriptions (“if you turn right… if you turn left….). The battles are interesting, but there aren’t many.


      I second this, it was a really tough book to read and the first time I got a migraine from reading!
      I would also put George R Martin’s A song of Fire and Ice books in that list. A Dance with Dragons was very lengthy and not a lot happened. I love the world these writers have built, but some chapters could have been condensed much further.

      I would recommend books by Jenny Colgan as she writes a lot of comforting stories and I think you will at least doze off dreaming about cake!


      I think I read Lord of the rings back when I was still in school and I remember liking it, not much but enough. It wasn’t easy but it wasn’t that hard either. I even felt a bit proud cause I thought I read it faster than I would expect to read a book like that. If anything I was up at night reading the books. I wonder how I would like them now.


    No joke…..50 Shades of Grey. It took all I could to get through it and it was just pride at that point.

    I do not understand the juggernaut that it became.


    “The Red and the Black” by Stendhal.

    Complicated business specs at night time (probably any legal / footprint docs).


    tRump’s State of the Union speech? Then you could rip it up when you wake up.
    apologies for being too political here – I can’t think of a book that put me to sleep..


    Read almost any book that you have already read a couple times, so it has no suspense or surprises.


      Ha! I have never re read a book (story books), maybe it’s time to do this, thank you for the suggestion.


    hmmm… maybe haruki murakami’s a wild sheep chase? I love his work, truly, but I think the magical realism aspect of it plus its slow pacing at times can be very soothing.
