I’m on paid leave. I’m supposed to be on vacation. But as a world class worryer, I wanted to go into work this morning to finish the last few tasks I couldn’t get done on Friday before I left…
So I went in this morning. It’s always nice when there are no distractions. I figured I would finish in less than an hour and go meet my family for lunch.
But it is so much more professional to have an automatic reply to emails when you are away from the office. This was my thought. Instead of actually doing the one or five things I had planned, I figured I could set up the automatic reply first.
Bad move. Within seconds I received 500+ emails and who knows how many were sent. My email account shut down and I can’t even access this mess on my phone anymore. I deleted what I had done and left work without having done anything useful.
When I told my son (the computer guy) about it, he laughed and suggested that maybe I just let it go.
His laughter made me see how absurd this whole situation was. He helped me to start having a real vacation. The kind where you spend time with people you love, who love you and are more than ready to tease you gently.
Exactly what I needed.
Love, February