Ok, so a LONG time ago, I started watching My Name is Kim Sam-soon. I remember it clearly, but it didn’t really click with me, so I only watched some of the first episode. That was years ago. Then a few days ago, I decided to give it a try again. So I settled in, started watching it, and…it’s not the drama I remember. Like, not at all. The scenes I so clearly remember are not in this drama at all.

Whatever drama I was watching (and I really thought it was MNKSS…it was old…of that generation) has an airplane ride near the very beginning: the female lead is on an airplane and encounters handsome man and they argue a lot. Then, later FL goes to a hotel and for whatever reason needs to get into a certain room–which turns out to be occupied by the same man from the airplane. There is a lot begging and yelling. It’s sort of a predictable meet-cute setup.

I also remember this, which may or may not be from the same drama: female lead is a loud, charming tour bus guide. Maybe the bus is blue.

Does any of this sound familiar to anyone? What drama could this be? Or are these a bunch of dramas mashed together in my head?

P.S. Loving the actual drama My Name is Kim Sam-soon right now.