Some thoughts on Rookie Historian episode 18… in comments because SPOILERS



    Through my tears, I have these thoughts. In no particular order:

    1) To all the beanies who got that the Dowager was trying to blame Councillor Min for the ambush: hats off. Nicely noted.

    2) I love that GHR’s father and Rim’s father were BFF (and not, say, the same person)

    3) Wait, what does Sa-hee know about Councillor Min that makes her unafraid of him? Do we know? Did I miss something?

    4) I love Jin trying to pretend he remembers Rim’s birth just to comfort Rim. (I say again: give me a Prince Jin spinoff). Also, we do find out that the queen stayed with her parents for a few months when she should have been pregnant…and I get that the show is trying to explain how a royal baby could be born with no notice…but I’m still not satisfied. THAT queen wasn’t THE queen at the time. So she could live offsite etc, no biggie. But surely there would have been…A LOT… of hullabaloo months before all this drama when the actual queen was determined to be pregnant with the king’s firstborn?

    5) Did we already know that Rim had a dream wherein the King stabbed him? I am having flashbacks to Moon Lovers Ryeo. Pls do not let this show end thusly.

    6) Why doesn’t Rim just go ask the Dowager all his questions?

    7) The current king is SUCH a coward. Like. Such. I am 100% with the Dowager when she yells, “WHY IS MIN IK-PYEONG STILL ALIVE?”


      # 1. We told you Nicole. We told you ;).

      #5. Yep. Rim had the dream after his father took away his books are writing materials when he found out he was writing romance novels.

      Seriously, the tears flowed this episode. Rim, yeah, someone just LOVE that dude. Seriously, how can you not.


      My heart’s breaking for poor Rim once again. That scene where Hae Ryung comforts him as they cried together is so sad, yet so beautiful.

      I’ve always been curious about Rim’s mom, he thought that the current king’s wife is his mother right? Rim never once mentioned her even though we see her alive and well when the royal family visited Queen Dowager together.

      Two eps left! Hope they can tie up all the loose ends nicely.
