Some more thoughts on HdL in response to other beanies’ comments

About IU looking too fragile and immature for a highway bandit: to me that is part of the point, and part of the tragedy; she was just a young girl who had to do things to survive, but that life is not something she chose. Given how tiny she is — MW does a pretty decent job of it. I think she is beyond everything a survivor. The kind of person that goes on no matter what, making do with whatever cards she has been dealt. Even when it means drinking champagne instead of properly atoning for her sins. It’s this combination of girly, somewhat amoral, and core of steel that makes the character interesting in the first place. And IU’s portrayal of that is pretty amazing imo: like in the old time line when she is wounded and a perceived enemy attacks — she has this feral cornered-animal look, paired with the determination of making it out alive no matter what; or when CS tells her that he prefers her not liking him as long as she feels stuff (‘is bothered’)… she looks shaken and plain scared at the possibility of feeling again; that layer of softness and vulnerability is all more impressive when contrasted to her usual cynical detached no-nonsense self. The only thing I find hard to believe is her being a foodie… the way she eats has me thinking that IU has never not been on a diet her entire life. But that’s a pretty minor quibble …


    “never not been on a diet” 🙂 Quite possible.


    Yes, it’s ridiculous, kdramas and their obsession with pretty girls eating a lot and being absurdly skinny. Well, at least she has manners while eating.


    I agree with all your points! I still think they did a perfect job on casting IU as Man-wol. She is really good at being this soft tiny girl who uses the glamourous lifestyle and tough demeanor to act and look strong in order to survive the punishment that has been given to her.


    I have little problem with her being a bandit or thief. I question how she became a leader of thieves commanding a small platoon of fearless men. They need to give that reason, otherwise it’s not convincing.


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