What a difference a couple of weeks make: Boy for rent went from OMG I love them to this is rubbish and I’m too angry to explain why. WWW: from nothing is worth the frustration of that light and filters to Scarlett = ❤️ ; also her relationship with her actor is the cutest, and the female-female interactions are rich enough to press play regardless. [It is disturbing how well I am able to recognize some parts of Tammy in myself – and even more so the fact that I can’t get myself to love her because of that].

Dan, only love: My thoughts when starting this show “This is another show that lives and dies by the chemistry of the leads. LYS and Dan together are a hoot and my main reason for watching. SHS’s acting is exceptional – I am emotionally right there with her through thick and thin. And Dan is just fun. Everything else I blanket-dislike: the creepy second lead, the needy too-nice-to-be-true Nina, and all the other awful (badly written/acted/unidimensional at best) human beings populating this universe… The angel feels very immature and completely asexual in a way that I can’t see them as anything other than bickering siblings. Curious if i’ll get over it as the story progresses.” remain surprisingly true after watching the finale. I did not mind the end episode as much as others seem to — because I had zero expectations that the writer would produce a ‘greater plan’ to make the story make sense as a whole (that would take a lot more skill than 작가님 is capable of). LYS was the only truly good thing about this, Dan remained emotionally immature by comparison (could have been better in the hands of a more skilled actor, but the main problem was the illogical writing) and I never could completely buy their love (although I loved LYS enough to wish she’d get whatever she wanted — even if that was a kind-of-wimpy angel) Beyond the love story, I consistently disliked almost everyone else minus Mr Jo and Lady butler. And what was the purpose of KW as a character anyways?
The good bits were barely enough to earn me a bean. Glad to forget all about it asap.