SKZ has a new teaser and I had no idea they were coming out with a new comeback/mini album so soon but I am HYPED.

I’m digging the industrial sounds they’re hinting at, and the callback to hellevator. The end was so ominous, seems we’re going somewhere down and dark and mysterious and I am so ready.


    I’m a bit scared that they’re overworked. They’ve produced so much music in such a short amount of time. They officially debuted last year.


      Yeah, that’s my fear too. I worry that quality will dip because they’re rushing or they’ll burn out. I’ve heard this will actually be a repackage rather than a mini album, so Miroh + a few new tracks. I’d rather they just take their time on a new mini album rather than rush out a repackage. But, I also will listen the heck out of new tracks. + @sicarius


        Sometimes I really wish more groups pulled a block b and felt comfortable only releasing one thing a year essentially.
        Then again block b are also insane and produce half their albums last minute, Montage was done in three weeks for example, HER the same, so maybe I should wish that.
        Whatever the case this was almost certainly not their choice, and I can only pray they have more freedom and autonomy to decide comeback times and schedules in the future, and that they find time to look after themselves. Sigh.




          They are given so much other freedom I wonder why they can’t control their release schedule more. I know people thought Chan had already worked on a lot of the I AM series in the years before, so that’s why they were able to put out so many albums last year, but this is even more aggressive. They won’t even be finished touring and they’re putting out more music.


            Because they’re still a big 3 group and most groups can’t control their schedules or concepts even if they write their own music. Controlling music is one thing. Controlling the concept, the visuals, the dance, the schedule and everything else is QUITE another, and even the most “free” of groups often still rely on managers and the company for that.
            JYP is still JYP and not, (to keep using the Block B example) a company formed for Skidz and only Skidz. They’re still basically rookies and in a mainstream company, and marketed in a mainstream way, and so they’re still probably being pushed to fight for their position, the company will want to make sure they’re making and doing enough to maintain their momentum, to make sure they don’t “flop”. so they’ll be pushing more music, because Comebacks mean Promotion and Exposure and that means Money.
            Because kpop is competitive, and most companies do just wanna make money, despite having talented people, and it’s really really hard for any group to stand against the kpop model, of promotion and marketing and structure.
            I mean there’s only a handful of groups (way more solo artists but even then) I know of that have complete artistic control over ever aspect of their releases.

            Dunno if that question is rhetorical or not but I answered it so haha.
            This is aggressive yes, and worrying, unfortunately it’s not new in kpop.
            I hope that increasing popularity for Skidz though will mean increasing artistic freedom, and not the other way round.


          I mean, I say all this, but you better believe I’ll listen the heck out of whatever they put out.


    sOOOO soooon wtffffff????
