Aww, don’t go breaking my heart!


    I really like that alley scene, that half-smile, he looked kind of sad.


      Me too, I felt like in that short moment, he felt something for her and it made him sad.


        She was saying all those things about him, “You’re very soft, but at times, you’re very rough….you have a way of drawing people in…” I kind of felt like he was looking at her and thinking, “That’s you…” His whole face softened. I thought for a while that they were so different in the early episodes, and that’s why he’s drawn to her, but the more they show their dynamics, the more similarities I find between the two of them. It’s like he’s such a complex character, but she can see through him, and in the same way, he sees through her tough facade as well. When he was doing the fake break-up scene, he was listing her flaws, and it’s just struck me he did it openly and to her face. He’s normally so discreet and keeps his opinions about a person to himself, like in the case of WK and DH’s father. So, in DH’s case, he’s doing something totally unlike himself again.


          I feel the same about Do-ha being able to see through Seol-woo. To me, Do-ha has shown to be perceptive right from the start, that’s why she was able to connect to Woon-kwang (which also had to do with them being at their lowest) and sniffed off Seol-woo’s fishiness. Even though she often arrives at the wrong conclusion, her gut instinct always proven to be right, like when she questioned Seol-woo’s presence among them at first, or when she caught Woon-kwang getting in all sorts of trouble, or when her father showed up again. So, when she told Seol-woo “You’re strange. You are very soft, but at times you are very rough.” I feel like her words actually struck a chord with him, so it made him feel sad. Her words reflected exactly what Seol-woo did, he was playing a mind/love game with her by pulling passive agressive moves, but Do-ha was taking it seriously, and for that, I detected a little guilt in him. By then, Seol-woo probably realized she didn’t deserve everything he put her through.

          As for Seol-woo though, I feel like he’s hiding something about his family history, judging by the way he avoided talking about it with Do-ha.I do feel like they shared some similarities that made Seol-woo feel unsettled, especially at the pojangmacha where he told her she had the right to throw away her father, it struck out to me like he had abandonment issue as well. His feelings at this point may or may not be romantic, I can’t be sure really, I keep going back and forth because he’s such in control of his emotions, but Do-ha definitely evokes a sense of protectiveness in Seol-woo.
