I was looking forward to the new episode all day. It’s just my kind of fluffy, anti-stress TV. And the art is always so, so cute. (Edit: The drama in question is My Secret Romance.)


    woo! this reminds me of w two worlds. awwww i miss it so much 😭


      Thanks for your comment! 🙂 Oh, I miss it too. W was one of the most exciting and memorable shows of 2016 for me. I’m still waiting for something with a similar appeal. (The art is from fourth episode of the drama My Secret Romance, btw. Sadly, it’s not really comparable to W – unless you count the art and a hunky male lead.)


        haha yeah i know it’s from my secret romance. havent check out that drama but may do soon. 😉

        and yes, w was one crazy ride. i live-watched it coz i chanced upon the 1st episode on tv and from then on i was soooooooo intrigued by it to the point that the drama was on my mind for that whole 8 weeks or so 😱
