Prison Playbook Ep 7 and 8: Lt Paeng brought me to tears again with his kindness. I hope we get a chance to see his life too.

I felt so frustrated at the unfairness experienced by Capt Yoo. No wonder he’s prickly and afraid to get close to his cellmates when the people he was close to in the army did him in like that. He’s not gonna trust again that easily.

I loooved Je Hyuk’s speech to Min Suk, it was lovely. The show really does a great job in showing the characters with all their human flaws and wrong/unfortunate choices. And the consequences of those choices/actions, whether intentional or not. Like with Min Suk’s story, it would have been easy to paint him the victim of it all and sort of redeem him in your eyes but the show doesn’t make it like that at all. You’re made to UNDERSTAND his plight, but never justify or excuse the consequences (which on second thought applies to other characters as well)

With Dr Koh too. His boss is a sorry excuse for a human being and in all sense, shouldn’t even be in prison at all. But he ALLOWED them to use him like that. Again, life choices and its consequences. This drama and its rich characters just blow me away.

I also love that Je Hyuk’s baseball practice has included his cell mates. Plus Lawman/Jailbird! The show is also taking its time telling Jun Ho’s story, but I’m not complaining ❤️️