Save Me episode 2:
Only Sang Mi questions the good intentions of the spiritual leader.


    I know right? Why do people just blindly follow the spiritual leader? I can understand his followers because they have been brainwashed for some time, but SM’s parents? They have only interacted with him for like, what? A few minutes, and already, they are accepting his house and everything?


      Yes and the way her parents give in. Especially the dad, I think the mom has some doubt but she trusts her husband’s judgement. They are practically handing over Sang Min and her brother to them.


        And the way he questions God as to why He takes away their son at the wake… OMG! He is milking every opportunity to dramatize God and influence his crowd further.


      He gives the front of someone being kind at heart. If we where seeing him from a different perspective, he would look like a life saver.
      And the parents were at rock bottom about to live in a space about as big as a bathroom, and this guy comes along and gives them a house and asks for nothing in return. Which would you choose?

      I feel I need to add, I am in now way making excuses for the spiritual father, I am simply explaining how he can come across to those who don’t know he is a slime ball who deserves to be burnt alive.


        You are right. I remembered a scene where he is bathing an old man, and the old man pooped in his underpants. He even laundered it. I was surprised that he did that. It made me think at that point, is he really a slime ball, or is he someone who might be misunderstood? Maybe we are not seeing things in their entirety?


          If we hadn’t known the premise, and seen that thigh grab (shudders) we would probably be on his side going all like “Typical Teenage girl doesn’t want to follow authoritative figures” which makes it slightly terrifying.


            Agree. But now I think that at the end of the episode the spiritual leader might have gain some of Sang Min’s trust.


        The spiritual leader does seem nice to the family but I feel that he is hiding something.
        I feel that is too much that they give them. A free house, gifts, there has to be a prize for that.
