The more demonic you become, the more hairspray you get, I guess.

Case in point.

My Demoness, episodes 11 and 12 (flashback). My Demon, sometime pretty early on.

PS: Song Kang’s “patient” face here cracks me the hell up and is likely to be a useful meme during Drunken Romance


    I’m now stuck meandering through old gifs. This is Sung Hoon’s version of “patient.” My stars but PMR was a treat. I think you may have had to have been there, but it sure was a romp–a bit like “Dynasty” mixed with a very-low-key “Airplane.”


      It really was a treat! Such a FUN take on a makjang, with all the cast along for the ride. I’ve recently realized that what I thought was a drama slump was actually a genre slump, and I have rom-com fatigue after live watching SO MANY of them this year. So I’m all in on mystery, comedy, action, and thriller… whittling away at Designated Survivor: 60 Days (so good), Cafe Minamdang (such fun), Dog Knows Everything (so pleasant), Seoul Busters (Su funny), and some non-romance C-dramas. I’ll be skipping Drunken Romance and saving it for the future – hope you find it to be favorable/fun/good!

      And these gifs are so good and fun… “patient face” is such a Mood 😂


      Definitely a 2023 standout! I’m finding this year that I’m vastly preferring this kind of surprise/dark horse/hidden gem type drama.


        So far Bitter Sweet Hell was that for me, for sure. But as you noted elsewhere today, November is sure gonna come in like a lion!! PMR started airing on October 28th last year and Matchmakers started on October 30th…so I’m hoping that some of these new ones coming up will be our holiday season standouts. I’m trying not to get my hopes too far up, though.


    i have never seen pretty, beautiful, cute, sexy, charismatic all in one .. and here we are.. Song Kang! .. plus he is so funny and confident and doesn’t shy away from being dumb.. he is fun!!!

    #michauri .. him and dambi were gold nuggets
