if you have double identity then should your boyfriend should be more accepting of you having multiple partners or husbands. Will that amount to cheating? Is your hubby/bf a jerk for not coming to terms with you having multiple bfs/hubbies? Do such people have no hope to find love/companionship? Are those bfs and hubbys allowed to cheat on you given your personality x may be absent for multiple days?


    To her, in this story, it’s not really a choice … not as is, anyway.
    For everyone else: If you lie about it, or knowingly tells your partner nothing, it’s definitely cheating.
    If you have multiple personalities – I don’t know how that really goes, but if a situation like in Dear Hye-ri was possible, – then you are not obligated to put up with anything. It’s your choice. If your partner is mentally ill, you shouldn’t get angry, but you can leave them. Before you leave them, you can try talking to them … and their various personalities … saying that if any of them wants to have a partner, they will have to break up with you first. And if they can’t understand the situation, you can let them go, or go along with them and tell any interested party that this body and it’s torn soul is yours … yours to love, and yours to care for, yours to cry for. Kang the Deep Eye Lake would not have fallen like that if he had been orientated about the situation early on, I think. But he has not broken her, as opposed to someone else.


      Oops, I made a mistake!
      I wanted to say: If your partner have multiple personalities – I don’t know how that really goes, but if a situation like in Dear Hye-ri was possible, – then you are not obligated to put up with anything.



      and if i tweak this scenario only a bit.. say girl is in depression or physically hurt in an accident and the guy chooses to leave then he will be labeled a jerk ( i anticipate most people to do that)!

      Also, then what is the definition of being together in sickness and in health for a couple..


        Like I said, I am not sure split personality works the way it does here at all. Or rather, I am pretty sure it doesn’t. But if it does, or if it did, if the affected person decides to have another relationship, then it’s not a relationship you have with that person anymore. The new partner can take over, if they want to. If you don’t want to be in that kind of throuple or quadrouple, then the involved person or persons will have to take choices, too. If you consider the other personalities as sane personalities, then they must take responsibility, too, and if they are unable to have responsibility, you will have to take care of them like you would maybe a werewolf.
        Or, you can consider yourself a kind of caring nurse for that partner, not leaving so as to not be a jerk, but also not considering it as a romantic relationship anymore.
        You can bide your time to see if there will be a person you know and will love at the end of this, or you can bide your time and consider yourself an obligated friend/ex.


          In this case, he is partly responsible for her insanity. He has been treating her hot and cold in a way that could easily first wipe her off her feet and then wipe her off her sanity.
          Even if we accept – which I don’t – that because he feels obligated to take care of those old women it can’t be combined with a marriage,then does that justify him in just wiping her off for talking about marriage, wiping her off like she was dust on his shoulder?
          And besides that, he has been her boyfriend for 8 years … one might think that along the way his reason for not wanting to marry could have come up. But I suspect they have not actually ever been close enough for that. Because in between caring for her like she was a toddler he has been cold towards her like she was someone he didn’t know, just someone at the next table in a pub who wouldn’t stop talking to him even if he “Mmmh” and “uhh hu”‘ed them and covered his face with the newspaper /had his eyes glued to his phone.
