I’m glad (to read for the first time) that a young Korean actor acknowledges growing up with queer friends, rejects homophobia and gives answers that are anything but meaningless, corporatised drivel. The bar is low but then again it takes courage and integrity not to be a bigoted jerk. I am glad that you exist Nam Yoonsoo and that I like your acting.



    Omo, Em. Long time no read!
    Hope you’re doing well. ^^


      Hi T, thanks for your message. Have been scarce here for a while.
      I fractured my arm very badly, had an op and am black and blue and in pain. Tough times. Hope you’re much better than me. Take care.


    Em I hope you are doing better now. Take care and listen to your doctors / therapists. Take any / all precautions they recommend and do your exercises. It is a long and painful journey but you can do it. Aja, aja! Hwaiting!!

    I was just commenting on T’s post and realized I hadn’t seen you on DB for a while. So I hoped you were doing well. I’m glad I was able to access your Fanwall, even though it took quite some time and more tries than I can count to finally make it load. 😅😂

    I haven’t been able to log-in / access the Fanwall for a while and must have missed your post.

    Take care my dear and drop by as and when it is convenient for you. Sending you lots of good, healing vibes and warm hugs. 🤗🤗🤗🥰💖💕


    While we do take it in our stride if some Beanies go awol for a bit but that doesn’t stop us from missing our favorite Beans.

    I know you are strong and brave and will overcomes all odds. 💪❤

    Sadly pain can be really debilitating and affects us both physically and mentally. So take your meds on time. 😅

    I love you Em and I miss seeing you over here on DB. 😍🥰


      I’m sorry for the late reply. Thank you so much for both of your compassionate and kind messages. I’m grateful that you have thought of me and wished me well. It has been a bit of a tough time.
      I miss not being on DB and my mates. I hope to be back soon. Please look after yourself.
