Lost You Forever
It took me 60 episodes (39 episodes from Season 1 & 21 episodes from Season 2) to FINALLY make me feel connected to Demon ML (Xiang Liu) and to make me feel like he actually does love the FLβ€” albeit, in his own twisted way 😅


    FINALLY!!!!!! 😂

    He’s not twisted! He’s selfless and loyal and has done everything he can to protect her and give her what she says she wants, even if she’s in total denial about what she actually wants.

    Not Yang Zi though… girl knows who her character’s soulmate really is 🙃



      I still he’s a bit twisted in his love for her, but to be fair, so is Cang Xuan (the cousin brother) 😅

      Their 2 episodes on β€œHello, Saturday” were really fun!! I actually rewatched it a few times. It seems Yang Zi really connected with each of her costars in different ways. I swear there were a few moments wherein I felt that Zhang Wan Yi looked at Yang Zi a certain way, as if he has feelings for her irl


        What I found interesting in going back to watch certain scenes is that while his methods were sometimes twisted, he always regretted them afterwards when he saw her reaction. They were subtle moments of awareness masterfully done by Tan Jianci.

        I think what makes this imperfect drama so compelling is that the story really does present 3 (maybe 4) completely viable relationships for the FL, and Yang Zi manages to make all of them totally believable. ZWY, DW, and TJC all did such a great job with their characters. It’s the acting that really sells this story despite some flaws.

        Given the intensity of Xiao Yao’s relationship with Cang Xuan, I’m not surprised that “acting” might have turned into real emotions for Zhang Wan Yi. Their interactions in certain scenes were breathtaking… especially in season 2. Just wow wow wow! He’s an incredible actor. I’m so excited about his two upcoming dramas!
