Best Choice Ever
Ahhhhhhhhhh One of my most favourite tropesβ€” my drama catnip, if you mustβ€” is happening before my eyes and it’s so freaking cute and done so subtly well!!

**SPOILERS below*** 👇🏻Because I know some are curious about this drama and some maybe thinking of starting it/continuing it after my posts these last few days 🥰🥰
I abso-freaking-lutely LOVE LOVE LOVE IT when the guy falls (in love) first 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


    Thank you! I’ve been considering watching it and I think this is the push I needed – that trope is one of my favourites


      Yay!!! Despite some of its flawsβ€” which I don’t mind, because no drama is absolutely 💯 perfect, not even our most beloved favouritesβ€” it’s still a pretty easy drama to watch. I’ve zipped thru 7-8 episodes within 2 days and minimal FF-ing. Even the parts that I FF through are just because it’s repetitive things that have no impact on the overall plot and movement of things 😊 Let me know your thoughts after you’ve watched a few episodes!


        Oh, I find that a good way to watch this drama as a viewer is by using a cultural lens and not be so critical. I find that looking at things via a cultural lens with this drama helps to resolve some of the things that aren’t so great about the drama and some of it’s characters and lets me give a little bit more grace to the things done and said


        I’ll let you know how I get on! 😊 And totally agree on no drama being perfect, I love an easy watch show
