Best Choice Ever
Not sure why everyone treats the FL’s younger brother like a kidβ€” he’s literally a university grad in law (specialty or licensing not mentionedβ€” at least, if it was mention, I missed it)β€”which means he’s at least between 25/26 years old (initial 4 years in undergraduate studies then 2-3 more years in actual law)β€” and only 2-3 years younger than FL (who’s age keeps being mentioned and emphasized at being 29), so WHY??? Just let him be!!


    I find it fascinating too every time I see this in K dramas with the maknae in a family or a work group. Especially when we all know that those same people would have got vex with anyone treating them as a kid when they were at that same age😬


      I think it may be a culture thing:
      In Korea, seniority and age is everything. In China, it’s more of a gender thingβ€” males are always the preferred in the workplace and in the familyβ€” and will always be the one being served hand and foot and always the one who everyone looks after (a.k.a. Have their boots licked if they’re older or in a higher position, orβ€”like the not-much-younger brother hereβ€” gets coddled and looked after in all aspects)


        Yes, makes sense through a cultural lens.


          In comparison, maybe that’s why Korea has more successful female-centric dramas than China. At the same time they’re done differently:
          In Korea, it goes back to status and moneyβ€” the female-centric dramas feature women in high paying jobs who are well established, which helps to give a more positive outlook on women in such a patriarchal society such as Korea’s.
          In China, though there are way less female-centric dramas, when they’re done well, they’re done really well and are able to tell a story about a way more well-rounded character than simply subjecting them to 2 β€œvirtues”, i.e. status & money. China’s characters and dramas are more humanistic


            You are making me more intrigued about this drama. What episode are you on now. I am holding off because when I like a drama I binge watch it and I don’t want to be asking you questions about episodes you have yet to watch. I started to watch episode one and got as far as the office woman who insisted on using her cake against her will. She is going to be annoying, I hope I don’t have to be dealing with her too often.


            @reply1988 Yay! This might actually be my first (?) successful attempt at (unintentionally) convincing someone to join me in watching a drama that I’m also watching 😊
            I’m about to start Ep. 13 (out of 37).
            Even though there’s lots of ups and downs with many characters, I didn’t find any one of them exceedingly annoying or obnoxious, save for oneβ€” the sister of the FL’s boyfriend. And if you don’t mind a little bit of a spoiler alert 👇
            Said annoying women (plural) go away by episode 10/11 😊


            This kind of spoiler is appreciated because I do not like being annoyed in my down time, it is not entertainment for me and leads me to drop a drama or fast forward if the rest of the drama is meeting my needs. I hate fast forwarding as it spoils the flow.


    The cultural context really changes everything. I really appreciate you taking out time to explain these cultural nuances. 🙏


      It really does!! And in a sense, I think cultural nuances and context such as these are sort of lost or gradually got lost in my experiences with Kdramas and they all ended up simply being tropes. For C-dramas, I can still see and understand it from a cultural standpoint, and therefore, it also helps me to appreciate, to understand, to sympathize–and sometimes, even empathize– with the characters more


        I agree. Full House made me realize how / why I started watching dramas in the first place. 😅
        Human emotions are the same universally but how a certain experience affects differently from one person to another has a lot to do with these nuances as much as their life experiences.


          Yes, and as much as we watch dramas for escapism, I think we also watch it to try to find some sort of relatability as well. Like, is there something that we can relate to that’s in the world of Dramaland wherein the creative world is our oyster and we can make it what we want it to be??
