I think there’s something wrong with the title of this show (The Woman Who Plays) because the girls here aren’t playing games.

Min Ho and Eun Ha know exactly what they want and they know exactly what they deserve. And they’re not taking any less than that.

Ji Hwan and Il Yeong need to get their shirts together ASAP, because our girls deserve the best NOW.



    Ha, I did yell out loud at the screen/JH “dude, you need to get your sh*t TOGETHER!”😾


      I feel you. He was low-key pissing me off. 😆

      Eun Ha said “don’t confuse me” and he responded with “so how many mixed signals do you want?”
      Like, dude, c’mon. 🤦


        Really, if it hadn’t been interspersed with humor from the gang, the show would be getting quite boring with all his angst-ing 🙄


          Like Gaga says, he was given her a million reasons to walk away, without one good one to stay. LOL
          I hope he does the contrary today.

          And you’re right. The show is too good with the comedy. That’s why I couldn’t stay mad at him for long during the entire episode.


        I might be the minority but I am low key enjoying all this angst. Because the person suffering the most is Seo Ji Hwan and he caused it himself.
        I like that they have other things happening which keeps me entertained so I am not too bothered by this angst. This is quite delicious he he.


    I absolutely love how these two females are written. Gosh, such emotionally intelligent women who speak their mind, yet are kind and thoughtful. They also know how to protect their own hearts. I love them both!!
