It was by no means a bad drama – the entire cast had some pretty great performances, and it was shot very well, but somehow… I could not get into it until the very end. The latter half of the drama became almost a chore I stubbornly stuck to with barely a half-hearted interest. Maybe this was just not the time for a pensive, and introspective story such as Graduation for me (I refuse to call it by its English title because I consider it to be the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen, but let’s not go into details lest I get triggered and it turns into a full-blown rant); maybe it should’ve been a story that one watches on long winter evenings, snuggled under a blanket, when mood is as somber and unhurried as the one in the drama. Or maybe I am simply trying to justify the use of ff button with flowery words 😂


    Oooh! I’ve never read such strong words from you my lady even in that disaster of a drama which led to a most exciting fun series of “What is he emoting”!?


      I have strong feelings only in regards to the atrocious English title; the rest of my tirade is just an elaborate version of what could simply be summed up by “meh” 😂

      Ah, good times… That drama at least gave me something to work with, lol.


    Graduation is a way more appropriate title for the last two episodes of the show. With the “give me my diploma,” promise and all.


      “Graduation” is a way better title in general. It leaves some room for interpretation while encompassing the story and its themes. Viewers don’t need to be spoonfed everything, yet in English version we literally got 3/5 of “wh” questions answered, downright elementary style.


        Yeah, it is. The original titles are always better.
        Especially because the English title mislead people. I bet many people started this thinking it was about the romance. The same way I started Lovely Runner thinking it was a sports drama.

        In other cases they give away info and change the focus for no reason. Like “The Woman Who Plays,” became “My Sweet Mobster.”

        I personally prefer my own title “It’s always dark in Hagwon,” because the most prominent thought while watching the show was “I can’t see shirt,” but for the final episodes I would choose the OG “Graduation.” 😆


      ^^ “That drama at least gave me something to work with

      Well, as Tabong says
      so its a wonder if you can actually see anything.
