Does anyone remember the name of the K-variety show that took place in a sauna the first half and then moved to a kitchen set up with celebrity recipes for the second half? Yoo Jae Suk hosted.


    Was it called Happy Together?


      Yes! It was a fun show that introduced me to quirky and lovable aspects of Korean entertainment! They were big on featuring actors and singers.


        I used to watch it when I was younger. I remember a good episode with Seo Woo (whatever happened to her?) and Suzy.


    It was the really old format OG format of β€œHappy Together”


      That’s what Ivwas wondering, I remember the more recent format, so this was old school. I liked it back then because that’s how I got to know a lot of Korean actor names and faces ! The recipes were just a fun side thing. What a weird format if you think about it, sauna/restaurant counter!


        Yes!!! And I agreeβ€” lots of formats and games from Korean and Japanese game shows seem odd, but they seem to work!! I think that’s why Hollywood is now also remaking their own versions of many Japanese and Korean (game & talk) shows, more so the latter


          Between Happy Together and another older but interesting show, Strong Heart, I learned much of what I know about who’s who in Korean acting and singing! It helped me connect the actors in K-dramas and learn about idol groups and their agencies and relationships!


            I’d definitely say that as a viewer, a person will definitely get a more sincere and honest feel of who an artist is as a person in the older shows and formats. Nowadays, the veterans will still be the same honest selves, but the newer generation of artists are either showing a super vague and generic version of themselves or not themselves at all but a packaged version of themselves made by their agency. There’s pros and cons of both variants


            Radio Star is another good show to get to know celebs. Of course you mentioned the agency control that exists, but sometimes there are comments that give a personal glimpse that are sweet and insightful. I noticed these days an actor or singer appears on several shows in a two or three week period as a comeback or promo. Recent celebs who have done this are Daniel Choi and Lee Joon (they even appeared on The Manager together for a swoon episode)!
